In my personal field, applied optimal transport for PDEs, we often play the following game, so much so that some of my colleagues and I actually call it Brenier's trick (after Yann Brenier): When miniminzing a convex functional $\rho\mapsto F(\rho)$ over some convex subspace (typically the space of probability measures) with linear constraints $L(\rho)=0$, write the constraints as a supremum of linear functionals over auxiliary mutlipliers, and use a convex/concave minmax theorem (Rockafellar, often, or any variant of von Neumann's minmax theorem in infinite dimension) to exchangeswap $\inf\sup=\sup\inf$ as \begin{multline*} \inf\limits_\rho\Big\{ F(\rho):\quad L(\rho)=0\Big\}=\inf\limits_{\rho} F(\rho)+ \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if }L(\rho)=0\\ +\infty&\text{else} \end{cases} \\ =\inf\limits_\rho\Big\{ F(\rho)+\sup\limits_\phi \langle L(\rho),\phi\rangle\Big\} =\inf\limits_\rho\sup\limits_\phi F(\rho)+\langle L(\rho),\varphi\rangle \\ =\sup\limits_\phi\inf\limits_\rho F(\rho)+\langle L(\rho),\varphi\rangle \end{multline*}\begin{multline*} \inf\limits_\rho\Big\{ F(\rho):\quad L(\rho)=0\Big\}=\inf\limits_{\rho} F(\rho)+ \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if }L(\rho)=0\\ +\infty&\text{else} \end{cases} \\ =\inf\limits_\rho\Big\{ F(\rho)+\sup\limits_\phi \langle L(\rho),\phi\rangle\Big\} =\inf\limits_\rho\sup\limits_\phi F(\rho)+\langle L(\rho),\varphi\rangle \\ =\sup\limits_\phi\inf\limits_\rho F(\rho)+\langle L(\rho),\varphi\rangle. \end{multline*} and in turnOne can then solve the free optimization problem in $\rho$ and thennext in $\phi$ to retrieve a lot of significant information about the joint optimizeroptimizers. For example this can be used to retrieve in just a few lines, and at least heuristically, the right equations for Wasserstein geodesics (a forward continuity equation coupled with a backward Hamilton-Jacobi equation), the so-called Otto's calculus, and many other variants thereof for a whole variety of models. Of course this is nothing but a Lagrange multiplier method for constrained optimization, but it shows up so often in applied optimal transport problems that I thought it would be worth mentioning here.