This problem can be posed as finding a point satisfying a system of polynomial equations and inequalities. There exist a few software for solving them, such as QEPCAD (available in Sage) and RAGLib (available in Maple).
UPDATED. I've supplied the system composed of $\sum_{i<j} x_{i,j}^2=1$, $x_{i,j}\geq 0$, $c^2 = \binom{6}{3}^2/\binom{6}{2}^3$, $c>0$, and $\sum_{i<j<k} x_{i,j}x_{i,k}x_{j,k} > c$ to QEPCAD, requesting to find any point satisfying it, and it said that such point does not exist.
Here is this calculation at SageCell However, which takes aboutalong the way it comes with a minute or so and results in an error sayinglot of warnings about "input formula is false everywhere""The McCallum projection may not be valid." Here is this calculation at SageCell.
Maybe RAGlib can do a better job here.