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Zuhair Al-Johar
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Let take the first order set theory whose axioms are Extensionality, Separation and Universal reflection.

By $\operatorname {unv}(x)$, denoting "$x$ is a universe", we'll take it to mean that $x$ is a stage $V_\alpha$ of the cumulative hierarchy and such that $V_\alpha= \mathcal H_{V_\alpha}$, where $\mathcal H_x$ is the set of all sets hereditarily strictly subnumerous to $x$.

Universal reflection: $(\phi \to \exists \alpha: \operatorname {unv}(V_\alpha) \land \phi^{V_\alpha})$; if $\alpha$ not free in $\phi$.

Where $\phi^A$ is the result of bounding all quantifiers of $\phi$ by "$A$".

That is, every formula true of the whole set world is captured by some set that is a Grothendieck universe.

Is this set theory equivalent to $\sf TG$ set theory?

Clarification: by $y$ being hereditarily strictly subnumreous to $x$ it is meant that: $y$ is strictly subnumerous to $x$ and every element of the transitive closure of $y$ is also strictly subnumerous to $x$.

Let take the first order set theory whose axioms are Extensionality, Separation and Universal reflection.

By $\operatorname {unv}(x)$, denoting "$x$ is a universe", we'll take it to mean that $x$ is a stage $V_\alpha$ of the cumulative hierarchy and such that $V_\alpha= \mathcal H_{V_\alpha}$, where $\mathcal H_x$ is the set of all sets hereditarily strictly subnumerous to $x$.

Universal reflection: $(\phi \to \exists \alpha: \operatorname {unv}(V_\alpha) \land \phi^{V_\alpha})$; if $\alpha$ not free in $\phi$.

Where $\phi^A$ is the result of bounding all quantifiers of $\phi$ by "$A$".

That is, every formula true of the whole set world is captured by some set that is a Grothendieck universe.

Is this set theory equivalent to $\sf TG$ set theory?

Let take the first order set theory whose axioms are Extensionality, Separation and Universal reflection.

By $\operatorname {unv}(x)$, denoting "$x$ is a universe", we'll take it to mean that $x$ is a stage $V_\alpha$ of the cumulative hierarchy and such that $V_\alpha= \mathcal H_{V_\alpha}$, where $\mathcal H_x$ is the set of all sets hereditarily strictly subnumerous to $x$.

Universal reflection: $(\phi \to \exists \alpha: \operatorname {unv}(V_\alpha) \land \phi^{V_\alpha})$; if $\alpha$ not free in $\phi$.

Where $\phi^A$ is the result of bounding all quantifiers of $\phi$ by "$A$".

That is, every formula true of the whole set world is captured by some set that is a Grothendieck universe.

Is this set theory equivalent to $\sf TG$ set theory?

Clarification: by $y$ being hereditarily strictly subnumreous to $x$ it is meant that: $y$ is strictly subnumerous to $x$ and every element of the transitive closure of $y$ is also strictly subnumerous to $x$.

Is reflection on GronthendieckGrothendieck universes equivalent to TG set theory?

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Zuhair Al-Johar
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Is reflection on Gronthendieck universes equivalent to TG set theory?

Let take the first order set theory whose axioms are Extensionality, Separation and Universal reflection.

By $\operatorname {unv}(x)$, denoting "$x$ is a universe", we'll take it to mean that $x$ is a stage $V_\alpha$ of the cumulative hierarchy and such that $V_\alpha= \mathcal H_{V_\alpha}$, where $\mathcal H_x$ is the set of all sets hereditarily strictly subnumerous to $x$.

Universal reflection: $(\phi \to \exists \alpha: \operatorname {unv}(V_\alpha) \land \phi^{V_\alpha})$; if $\alpha$ not free in $\phi$.

Where $\phi^A$ is the result of bounding all quantifiers of $\phi$ by "$A$".

That is, every formula true of the whole set world is captured by some set that is a Grothendieck universe.

Is this set theory equivalent to $\sf TG$ set theory?