I need to check if thisThis is correct. I typed too quickly.
Assume that $m(x)x^{1/2}\leq c$true by Exercise 4(b) for $x$ sufficiently largeSection 15. Then integration by parts yields that $$M(x)=\int_{0}^x t\,dm(t)=xm(x)-\int_{0}^x m(t)\,dt\leq cx^{1/2}+O(1)+2cx^{1/2},$$ whence $$1<\limsup_{x\to\infty}M(x)x^{-1/2}\leq 3c.$$ This shows that1.1 in Montgomery-Vaughan: Multiplicative number theory I $c>1/3$(CUP, which implies that $$\limsup_{x\to\infty}m(x)x^{1/2}\geq 1/3.$$ In2006). The inequality contained therein can surely be proved in much the same way as (15.13) in the book, $$\limsup_{x\to\infty}m(x)x^{1/2}\leq -1/3.$$ with the help of Lemma 15.1.