Let me also mention that the norms are continuous in the limits $q \to 0$ and $q \to 1$. When $q = 1$, the relations define an abelian $C^\ast$-algebra with self-adjoint $a$ and an element $b$ s.t. $|b|^2 = a(1-a)$. It is not hard to check that this is simply the algebra of continuous functions on the unit sphere, with $a = \frac{1+z}{2}$ and $b = \frac{x+iy}{2}$ where $(x,y,z)$ are Cartesian coordinatescoordinate functions (for a detailed proof of this fact, see my answer here). Thus, we have $\|a\| = 1$ and $\|b\| = \frac{1}{2}$. In $A_q$, when $q \geq \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}$, recall that we have,