Edit: the OP seems to be interested in differentiating a composite object, i.e. a field, say $\phi$, which has different types of indices. For example, let us say that $\phi^{\nu A j}$$\phi^{\nu j}$, where $\nu$ is a spacetime index, $A$ is a Dirac spinor index ($A = 1, \dots, 4$) and $j = 1, 2$ is an index corresponding to the trivial bundle $M \times \mathbb{C}^2$, corresponding to the gauge group $G = SU(2)$, where $M$ denotes our spacetime manifold, with metric $g_{\mu \nu}$. Assume that we have a gauge connection $A_\mu$ on the principal $SU(2)$ bundle $M \times SU(2)$. Then
$$D_\mu \phi^{\nu A i} = \partial_\mu \phi^{\nu A i} + \Gamma_{\mu \rho}^\nu \phi^{\rho A i} + \omega_{\mu B}^A \phi^{\nu B i} + i A_{\mu k}^j \phi^{\mu A k},$$ or something close toNote that, wherefor each $\Gamma$ is the Levi-Civita connection$\mu$, and $\omega$$A_\mu$ is an element in the spin connectionLie algebra of $SU(2)$ (please note that there may be factors missing andmore precisely in a bundle of Lie algebras of $SU(2)$, called the adjoint bundle, but this is just to give you an ideaa technicality, which we can omit for the time being). So, for each $\mu$, $A_{\mu}$ is a complex $2$ by $2$ skew-hermitian matrix for mathematicians, though for physicists $A_\mu$ would be a complex $2$ by $2$ hermitian matrix, but physicists would then write $i A_{\mu}$, so the two notations are equivalent, because $i$ times a hermitian matrix is a skew-hermitian matrix. But my point is, for each $\mu$, $A_\mu$ is a $2$ by $2$ matrix, and so it has two extra indices, say $j$ and $k$, with each of howthem having only two possible values, say $1$ and $2$.
With these remarks out of the way, differentiating the field $\phi$ using the covariant derivative $D$ gives the following.
$$D_\mu \phi^{\nu j} = \partial_\mu \phi^{\nu j} + \omega_{\mu ab} (\sigma^{ab})^\nu_{\phantom{\nu} \rho} \phi^{\rho j} + i (A_\mu)^j_{\phantom{j}k} \phi^{\nu k}.$$
I tried to differentiateuse a "mixed" type of objectnotation close to the OP's notation, but then again, I don't know the author's conventions, so there may be silly factors missing from what I wrote. I only wrote it to speak)hopefully help with the OP's understanding.