Edit: I believe an explanation is in order as of why the roundabout path through Schwinger functions, albeit natural in the context of the paper by Eckmann and Epstein cited by the OP, is in a sense necessary. The strategy outlined in the previous paragraph has the time-ordered Green functions by themselves as its starting point. If one considers that these are the vacuum expectation values of time-ordered products of a Wightman field - or, put differently and perhaps more appropriately, the time-ordered (part of the) Wightman functions -, one is faced with the problem of how to define these from the Wightman axioms alone. The problem is, since the time-ordered Green functions are obtained from the Wightman functions by multiplying the latter with products of Heaviside step functions in time, the Wightman axioms are not strong enough by themselves to control their singular behavior in order to guarantee that such multiplications are well defined.
The problem posed in the previous paragraph was addressed by Steinmann (Zur definition der retardierte und zeitgeordneten Produkte, Helv. Phys. Acta 36 (1963) 90-112) and it is essentially a renormalization problem in the same sense as in formal perturbative quantum field theory, that is, it is an extension problem for $n$-point tempered distributions to the so-called large diagonal of $\mathbb{R}^d$ $$\widetilde{\Delta}_n(\mathbb{R}^d)=\{(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\in\mathbb{R}^{nd}\ |\ x_i=x_j\text{ for some }i\neq j\}\ ,$$ for time-ordered Green functions are a priori well defined only in $\mathbb{R}^{nd}\smallsetminus\widetilde{\Delta}_n(\mathbb{R}^d)$ due to their Lorentz invariance. As such, Steinmann only managed to solve it for two space-time dimensions (for the two-point functions, for all space-time dimensions). The higher dimensional case remains open to this day. Of course, one can apply the Hahn-Banach theorem to get an extension of the time-ordered Green functions to all of $\mathbb{R}^{nd}$, but one needs to guarantee that thisfind an extension retains(possibly as a modification of a generic extension provided by Hahn-Banach) retaining the additional properties one formally expects from time-ordered Green functions - Lorentz invariance among them. This is formalized e.g. by axioms T1-T8 of Eckmann-Epstein. For use in axiomatic quantum field scattering theory, Haag, Ruelle and Araki use regularized step functions instead to circumvent this problem, see e.g. Chapter 5 of the book by H. Araki, Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields (Oxford University Press, 1999).