Your problem seemsFirst eliminate $x_1$ by solving an ordinary least squares, and then you need to be solvable asessentially solve a so-calledproblem of the form: $\min x_2^TMx_2$ s.t. $\|x_2\|=g$, for appropriate $M$. This problem is the famous trust-region subproblem, aka, TRS, (the constraint $\|x_2\|=g$ may be written with an appropriate diagonal matrix as $\|Dx\| = g$).
Please have a look at the following references (and references therein), which provide algorithms and discussion on how to solve such problems; perhaps you can simplify or adapt one of their methods:
- Moré-Sorensen TRS algorithm (in the book on Trust-region subproblems)
It seems that the Newton method suggested by Robin above might work for you. TheDepending on how large $A$ is, or what kind of structure it has, different TRS methods organize their computationmay be preferred. Example, for speedsmall matrices, so in casewhere you can afford to do Cholesky, the More-Sorensen method is usually very hard to beat. If your matrix $A$ is however large and sparse, a more careful implementationthen you might helpprefer the LSTRS method instead.