@book {MR0357292, AUTHOR = {Sloane, N. J. A.}, TITLE = {A handbook of integer sequences}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press [A subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers], New York-London}, YEAR = {1973}, PAGES = {xiii+206}, MRCLASS = {10A40 (05AXX 65A05)}, MRNUMBER = {0357292 (50 \#9760)}, }
It is a predecessor of the online encyclopedia of integer sequences, of course. As intermediate step, there is the sequel
@book {MR1327059, AUTHOR = {Sloane, N. J. A. and Plouffe, Simon}, TITLE = {The encyclopedia of integer sequences}, NOTE = {With a separately available computer disk}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press Inc.}, ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA}, YEAR = {1995}, PAGES = {xiv+587}, ISBN = {0-12-558630-2}, MRCLASS = {11-00 (05A10 11B83 11Y55)}, MRNUMBER = {1327059 (96a:11001)}, MRREVIEWER = {P{\'e}ter Kiss}, }