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May 2 at 10:50 history became hot network question
May 2 at 7:14 vote accept Lin Chen
May 2 at 4:49 answer added abx timeline score: 5
May 2 at 3:05 comment added Lin Chen Thank you! My main interest is in the smooth case. I knew in the general case there are stupid counterexamples when $X$ is not irreducible, but didn’t realize this good normalization construction!
May 2 at 3:01 comment added Alex Youcis (cont.) I will have to think whether $X$ being smooth saves you somehow.
May 2 at 3:00 comment added Alex Youcis No, this is false, even with codimension assumptions. A good place to look for counterexamples is $U$ is the normal locus in $X$. If $X-U$ has codimension at least $2$ then $j_\ast\mathcal{O}_U=f_\ast\mathcal{O}_{X^N}$, where $X^N$ is the normalization of $X$ (e.g., use the fact that the structure sheaf doesn't change values on a normal scheme if you remove a subset of codimension at least 2). But, this won't be flat if $X$ is normal, else $f$ would be finite flat and so degree makes sense, but then it would have to be degree $1$ (as it's birational), but that implies it's an isomorphism.
May 2 at 2:57 history edited Lin Chen CC BY-SA 4.0
added 21 characters in body
S May 2 at 2:49 review First questions
May 2 at 2:57
S May 2 at 2:49 history asked Lin Chen CC BY-SA 4.0