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Apr 23 at 5:57 vote accept Arno Fehm
Apr 22 at 23:59 answer added Felipe Voloch timeline score: 5
Apr 22 at 14:59 comment added Will Sawin For a smooth projectively normal curve of genus $g$ and degree $d$, every automorphism can be presented with a tuple of polynomials of degree $1+ \lceil \frac{g}{d} \rceil$ since by Riemann-Roch $\mathcal O( 1+ \lceil \frac{g}{d} \rceil) \otimes \sigma^* \mathcal O(-1)$ has a section and multiplying the pullback under $\sigma$ of the linear system corresponding to the embedding inside $H^0( C,\mathcal O(1))$ by such a section produces the desired tuple. If the curve is not projectively normal maybe you need a higher bound on the degree...
Apr 22 at 14:48 history asked Arno Fehm CC BY-SA 4.0