What$\DeclareMathOperator\dom{dom}$What follows is preamble to motivate the question; for users who prefer to just see the question, please scroll down to the end of the question.
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category, using the one hom-class definition. For each object $X\in{\bf Ob}_\mathcal{C}$, we define $\overline X$ to be the set of all arrows in $\mathcal{C}$ with codomain $X$; that is, $$\overline X = \{f\in{\bf Hom}_\mathcal{C}:cod(f)=X\}.$$$$\overline X = \{f\in{\bf Hom}_\mathcal{C}:\operatorname{cod}(f)=X\}.$$ For each arrow $f:X\to Y\in{\bf Hom}_\mathcal{C}$, we define a function $$f\circ:\overline X\to\overline Y$$ $$g\mapsto f\circ g.$$ More generally, we will say that a function $g:\overline X\to\overline Y$ respects domains iff $g$ commutes with the domain selection function in $\mathcal{C}$, so for all $f\in\overline X$ $$dom(g(f))=dom(f).$$$$\dom(g(f))=\dom(f).$$ We will say that $g$ is precomposition linear iff for all objects $f\in\overline X$ and all objects $h\in\overline{dom(f)}$$h\in\overline{\dom(f)}$ we have that $$g(f\circ h)=g(f)\circ h.$$ Note that postcomposition functions trivially satisfy both conditions. This is essentially just a repackaging of the data of hom-presheaves and natural transformations between them 'one dimension lower', where we encode the extra dimensional information as axioms on the collapsed data. In this case, the separation into hom-sets that hom-presheaves usually provide is taken care of by requiring functions between collections of generalized global elements to respect domains, and naturality is taken care of by precomposition linearity.