Writing the 1968 edition of my book now called Topology and GroupoidsTopology and Groupoids (T&G) (available on amazon.com and e-version from my web site) convinced me that all of 1-dimensional homotopy theory was better expressed in terms of groupoids rather than groups, in that one obtained more powerful theorems with simpler proofs. Later results on the fundamental groupoid of orbit spaces (Chapter 11 of T&G) are more awkward to express in terms of groups; this elaborates on the point by Dustin Clausen. See further details below.
The point is that a group acting on a space $X$ acts also on the fundamental groupoid $\pi_1 X$. If $X$ is Hausdorff, the action is properly discontinuous, and $X$ has a universal cover, then the fundamental groupoiud of the orbit space $X/G$ is the orbit groupoid of $\pi_1 X$. This is the groupoid expression of Armstrong's results. See Chapter 11 of Topology and GroupoidsTopology and Groupoids.