I think this question is related to what is known as "obstruction theory", but I'm not very familiar with this field of mathematics, so I am asking here.
Let $\pi:N\rightarrow M$ be a smooth fibered manifold and $\xi:E\rightarrow N$ a smooth vector bundle over its total space. Suppose furthermore that $\pi:N\rightarrow M$ is a homotopy equivalence. If this is not neededsufficient, it may also be assumed that $\pi$ is an affine bundle or a composition of affine bundles.
Claim 1: There is a vector bundle atlas $(U_\alpha,\varphi_\alpha)$ of $\xi:E\rightarrow N$ such that each set $U_\alpha\subseteq N$ is "cylindrical" with respect to the fibration $\pi$, meaning that there is an open set $U_{\alpha,0}\subseteq M$ with $U_\alpha=(\pi^{-1})(U_{\alpha,0})$.
Essentially, I'd like to know whether Claim 1 is true or not.
The question is self-contained as given above, but I am adding some background. I am particularly interested in sufficiency conditions for a vector bundle on $N$ to be the pullback of a vector bundle on $M$.
I didn't go though the reasoning very rigorously, but I think that if Claim 1 is true, I can prove via a Swan--Serre type reasoning that
Claim 2: If $\xi:E\rightarrow N$ is a vector bundle and $\pi:N\rightarrow M$ is a homotopy equivalence, then there is a vector bundle $\xi^\prime:E^\prime\rightarrow M$ such that $(E,\xi,N)\cong\pi^\ast(E^\prime,\xi^\prime, M)$.
If it happens that I am dead wrong with this, then I am also interested in conditions where this holds.
Finally, the actual motivation is to establish a Swan--Serre-type theorem for infinite jet bundles.
Claim 3: Let $J^\infty(\pi)$ be the infinite jet bundle of $\pi:N\rightarrow M$, let $A:=\mathcal F_\infty(\pi)$ be the commutative ring of smooth functions on $J^\infty(\pi)$ (interpreted as the direct limit of rings of smooth functions on each finite order jet bundle). If $P$ is a projective, finitely generated $A$-module then there is a vector bundle $\xi:E\rightarrow N$ such that $P\cong\Gamma_\infty(\xi)$, where $\Gamma_\infty(\xi)$ is the $A$-module of smooth generalized sections of $\xi$, that is the set of all smooth maps $\gamma:J^\infty(\pi)\rightarrow E$ satisfying $\xi\circ\gamma=\pi^\infty_0$.
Similar to Claim 2 I only have a proof-draft for this, but I think if Claim 2 is not absolutely necessary for this, then it is extremely helpful.
TL;DR: I am mainly interested in whether Claim 1 is true or false, but any additional info on the validities of Claim 2 or Claim 3 is also welcome.