If I manage to findHere are some details on Banaschewski's paper:
First, lets see that the ultrafilter theorem can be used to prove uniqueness of algebraic closures, in case they exist.
Let $K$ be a timely fashionfield, I'll tryand let $E$ and $F$ be algebraic closures. We need to updateshow that there is an isomorphism from $E$ onto $F$ fixing $K$ (pointwise).
Following Banaschewski, denote by $E_u$ (resp., $F_u$) the answersplitting field of $u\in K[x]$ inside $E$ (resp., $F$); we are not requiring that $u$ be irreducible. We then have that if $u|v$ then $E_u\subseteq E_v$ and $F_u\subseteq F_v$. Also, since $E$ is an algebraic closure of $K$, we have $E=\bigcup_u E_u$, and similarly for $F$.
Denote by $H_u$ the set of all isomorphisms from $E_u$ onto $F_u$ that fix $K$; it is standard that $H_u$ is finite and non-empty (no choice is needed here). If $u|v$, let $\varphi_{uv}:H_v\to H_u$ denote the restriction map; these maps are onto.
Now set $H=\prod_{u\in K[x]} H_u$ and for $v|w$, let
$$ H_{vw}=\{(h_u)\in H\mid h_v=h_w\upharpoonright E_v\}. $$
Then the Ultrafilter theorem ensures that $H$ and the sets $H_{vw}$ are non-empty. This is because, in fact, Tychonoff for compact Hausdorff spaces follows from the Ultrafilter theorem, see for example the exercises in Chapter 2 of Jech's "The axiom of choice." Also, the sets $H_{vw}$ have the finite intersection property. They are closed in the product topology of $H$, where each $H_u$ is discrete.
It then follows that the intersection of the $H_{vw}$ is non-empty. But each $(h_u)$ in this intersection determines a unique embedding $h:\bigcup_uE_u\to\bigcup_u F_u$, i.e., $h:E\to F$, which is onto and fixes $K$.
Existence follows from modifying Artin's classical proof.
For each monic $u\in K[x]$ of degree $n\ge 2$, consider $n$ "indeterminates" $z_{u,1},\dots,z_{u,n}$ (distinct from each other, and for different values of $u$), let $Z$ be the set of all these indeterminates, and consider the polynomial ring $K[Z]$.
Let $J$ be the ideal generated by all polynomials of the form
$$ a_{n-k}-(-1)^k\sum_{i_1\lt\dots\lt i_k}z_{u,i_1}\dots z_{u,i_k} $$
for all $u=a_0+a_1x+\dots+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+x^n$ and all $k$ with $1\le k\le n$.
The point is that any polynomial has a splitting field over $K$, and so for any finitely many polynomials there is a (finite) extension of $K$ where all admit zeroes. From this it follows by classical (and choice-free) arguments that $J$ is a proper ideal.
We can then invoke the ultrafilter theorem, and let $P$ be any prime ideal extending $J$. Then $K[Z]/P$ is an integral domain. Its field of quotients $\hat K$ is an extension of $K$, and we can verify that in fact, it is an algebraic closure. This requires to note that, obviously, $\hat K/K$ is algebraic, and that, by definition of $J$, every non-constant polynomial in $K[x]$ split into linear factors in $\hat K$. But this suffices to ensure that $\hat K$ is algebraically closed by classical arguments (see for example Theorem 8.1 in Garling's "A course in Galois theory").
The paper closes with an outlineobservation that is worth making: It follows from the ultrafilter theorem, and it is strictly weaker than it, that countable unions of finite sets are countable. This suffices to prove uniqueness of algebraic closures of countable fields, in particular, to prove the argumentuniqueness of $\bar{\mathbb Q}$.