The "analytic process"
Start with the empty set of integers, yielding LHS=0 and RHS=1. Now repeatedly do the following: pick the smallest positive integer that (1) hasn't been used already and (2) preserves the condition LHS < RHS.
On the face of it this isn't a very explicit construction -- obviously you can just do it but it's not clear what the result looks like. But in fact it turns out we can understand it fairly well.
The "algebraic process"
WeGeneralizing a bit
The things I've (rather dubiously) called "analytic" and "algebraic" are just two ways of looking at the exact same process, of course. But if we do something slightly different to one of them, it may have no equivalent in terms of the other.
Specifically, we can get infinitely many sequences by picking larger numbers than thesemodify the "analytic" process so as to give (as promised at the start) "plenty of solutions" for $N=\infty$. Suppose we perform that process as described except that some finite number of times we pick a larger number than it asks for. Everything will still work, and then continuing with the process as described abovewe'll get an "$N=\infty$" solution, but it will no longer be describable in nice "algebraic" terms. This gives onlyus countably infinitely many "$n=\infty$$N=\infty$" solutions. If we want more, but unless I'm confused Ithen (I think -- I haven't thought it through super-carefully) we can also just always pickdo the "analytic" process except that at each step we use either the smallest permitted $n$number it asks for or the number 1 more than thisbigger, and everythingagain we will still work, givingalways get the LHS and RHS converging to a common value. So there are continuum-many solutions.
Alternatively, we could modify the "algebraic" process: start with some different $p_1,q_1$ and perform the calculations it calls for. This will give us different initial values of $L,R$, and the final result will have the property that $L+\sum 1/n=R\cdot\prod(1-1/n)$. This will not (except by some monstrous coincidence) be a solution to the original problem, but it might be of interest anyway; for instance, if we choose $p_1=3,q_1=2$ then we have $L=0,R=\frac12$, so this gives us a solution to $\sum 1/n=\frac12\prod(1-1/n)$.