Precise asymptotics are probably beyond the reachI think I can get an upper bound of current technology$O(1/n^2)$ by exhibiting a vector $v$ of magnitude comparable to $1$ which gets mapped to a vector of magnitude $O(1/n^2)$. Presently, all known methods The basic idea is to obtain lower bounds onexploit the least eigenvaluebirthday paradox to find (or singular valuewith high probability) of square random matrices require either an explicit formula for the joint density functiontwo indices (which is only available for very special ensembles,$i \neq i'$ such as the Wishart ensemble), as done for instance in a paper of Edelman, or rely heavily on independence on the entries, as done in the recent papers of Rudelson-Vershynin or myself and Vuthat $x_i-x_{i'} = O(1/n^2)$. Your ensemble does not seem to have enough algebraic structure for an explicit description of the density function, and It should also does not have enough independencebe possible to use the methods of Rudelson-Vershynin or Van Vu and myselfthen find another additional index $i''$ such that $x_{i''} = x_i + O(1/n)$.
But one can get upper bounds on the least eigenvalue by testingNow look at the matrix against some test vectors. For instance, one expects (from the birthday paradox) that two of the$i^{th}$ and $x_i, x_{i'}$ should be at a distance$(i')^{th}$ rows, which have components $O(1/n^2)$ from each other$1/(1+|x_i-x_j|)$ and $1/(1+|x_{i'}-x_j|)$. The two corresponding These rows of the matrix then also differ by $O(1/n^2)$ when viewed one entry at a time, and so this$O(n^{-2})$ in each coefficient. This already gives an upper bound of $O( n^{-3/2} )$$O(n^{-3/2})$ for the leastsmallest eigenvalue. Perhaps, but one can do a bit better than this by locating multiple rows whereusing Taylor expansion to note that the difference between the two components is $x_i$ are$(x_i-x_{i'}) \hbox{sgn}( x_i-x_j ) / (1 + |x_i-x_j|)^2 + O(n^{-4})$ except when $x_j$ is very close to each other$x_i$, at which point we only have the crude bound of $O(n^{-2})$. Similarly, the difference between the $i''$ and then using Taylor expansion$i$ rows is something like $(x_i-x_{i''}) \hbox{sgn}( x_i-x_j ) / (1 + |x_i-x_j|)^2 + O(n^{-4})$ except when $x_j$ is too close to view the matrix as$x_i$. So we can use a perturbationmultiple of a low rank matrixthe second difference to mostly cancel off the first difference, and end up with a linear combination of three rows in which couldmost entries have size $O(n^{-4})$ and only about $O(1)$ entries have size $O(n^{-2})$. This seems to give betteran upper bounds. It would be difficultbound of $O(n^{-2})$ for the least eigenvalue (or least singular value), though I have not fully checked the details.
To get a matching lower bound is trickier. One may have to show that these bounds are sharpmove to a Fourier representation of the matrix as this would more readily capture the positive definiteness of the matrix (as suggested by Bochner's theorem).