Update 3: The answer by uranix which finally settles the question is extremely clever! The essential point is the algebraic relation between $C, D, E$. The following Sage code (which can be run e.g. in the SageMathCell) verifies that his calculation is indeed correct:
vars = [f'l_{i}' for i in range(5)]
vars += ['cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry', 's']
S = PolynomialRing(QQ, vars)
f = s^4 - 5/4*s^2 + 5/16
c = 2*s^2 - 3/2
rxy = vector(S, (rx, ry))
cxy = vector(S, (cx, cy))
R = matrix([[c, s], [-s, c]])
def redvec(v):
return vector((v[0]%f, v[1]%f))
def p(i):
i = i%5
return redvec(cxy + R^i*rxy)
def l(i):
return S.gen(i%5)
def q(i):
return (1-l(i))*p(i) + l(i)*p(i+1)
def pseu(u, v):
return matrix([u,v]).det()
def scalp(u, v):
return u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1]
A = sum(pseu(q(i), q(i-1)) for i in range(5))
B = sum(pseu(q(i), q(i-2)) for i in range(5))
C = sum(scalp(q(i), q(i-1)-q(i-2)) for i in range(5))
D = A + B
E = 3*B - A
uranix = (5*D^2 + E^2 -10*C^2)^2 - 20*(C^2 - D*E)^2
print(uranix%f == 0)
Update 2: (Answering the question of uranix in the comments) In L
, we set $m=m_0+m_1s+m_2s^2+m_3s^3$, and grouping by powers of $s$, we get $16$ equations in $y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4$ and the $m_i$'s. After running the displayed code from the original answer, run the following code: