First, we may use the based cofiber sequence $ S^{2n-1}_{+}\to D^{2n}_{+} \to S^{2n}_{+} $$S^{2n-1}_{+}\to D^{2n}_{+} \to S^{2n}_{+}$ and its associated Gysin sequence $$0 \leftarrow K_{A\times \mathbb{T}}(S^{2n-1}) \leftarrow R(A)[z^{\pm1}] \xleftarrow{\chi} R(A)[z^{\pm1}] \leftarrow \cdots $$ If we write $$R(A) = \mathbb{Z}[t_{1}^{\pm1},\cdots,t_{n}^{\pm1}]/(1-t_{1}\cdots t_{n})$$ in this case $\chi=\prod_{i=1}^{n}(1-t_{i}z)$ and we can obtain $$K_{A}(\mathbb{C}P^{n-1})= R(A)[z^{\pm1}]/(\prod_{i=1}^{n}(1-t_{i}z)) = \mathbb{Z}[t_{1}^{\pm1},\cdots,t_{n}^{\pm1},z^{\pm1}]/(1-t_{1}\cdots t_{n},\prod_{i=1}^{n}(1-t_{i}z)).$$ This is the method discussed in Section 10 of Greenlees, J. P. C. "Equivariant formal group laws and complex oriented cohomology theories." (
The two later descriptions should be isomorphic by looking at the following embedding $$R(A)[z^{\pm1}]/\prod_{i=1}^{n}(1-t_{i}z) \to \prod_{i=1}^{n}R(A)[z^{\pm1}]/(1-t_{i}z)\cong \text{Map}([n],R(A)), \overline{f}(z) \mapsto (f(t_{1}^{-1}),\cdots,f(t_{n}^{-1})) $$$$R(A)[z^{\pm1}]/\prod_{i=1}^{n}(1-t_{i}z) \to \prod_{i=1}^{n}R(A)[z^{\pm1}]/(1-t_{i}z)\cong \text{Map}([n],R(A)) $$ given by $$\overline{f}(z) \mapsto (f(t_{1}^{-1}),\cdots,f(t_{n}^{-1}))$$ and checking that the image is precisely the elements given by the GKM description (which should be true, although I haven't checked it carefully).