Proposition 4. Let $R$ be a locally compact totally disconnected integral domain such thatwhich is a union of less than $\mathfrak c$ many compact sets. If every closed ideal in $R$ is principal. Then then each proper nonzero ideal $I$ of $R$ is closed, so $R$ is a principal ideal domain.
Proof. Pick an element $x\in R$ such that $(x)=\overline{I}$. LetBy Lemma 2, there exists a compact open subring $\mathcal U_x$ be$U$ of $R$ such that $0\in U$ and $1\not\in U$. There exists a set $A$ of size less than $\mathfrak c$ and the family $\{K_\alpha:\alpha\in A\}$ of all neighborhoodscompact subsets of the point $x$$R$ such that $R=\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} K_\alpha$. For each $U_x\in\mathcal U_x$ put$\alpha\in A$ the family $U'_x=\{y\in R:xy\in U_x\cap I\}$ and$\{a+U:a\in K_\alpha\}$ is an open cover of a compact set $\mathcal U'_x=\{U'_x:U_x\in\mathcal U_x\}$$K_\alpha$. Therefore there exists a finite subset $S_\alpha$ of $K_\alpha$ such that $K_\alpha\subset S_\alpha+U$. Put $S=\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} S_\alpha$. Then $\mathcal U'_x$$|S|\le |A|\cdot \omega<\mathfrak c$ and $S+U=R$. Let $T$, $T=xR/xU$ be the quotient additive topological group and $q:xR\to T$ be the quotient map. By [AT, Proposition 3.1.23] the topological group $T$ is a filter on alocally compact space. Moreover, $R$$T=xR/xU=q(xR)=q(x(S+U))=q(xS+xU)=q(xS)$, so $\mathcal U'_x$ has$|T|<\mathfrak c$. Since a cluster pointHausdorff compact space without isolated points has size at least $y'\in R$$\mathfrak c$, for instance, by Čech–Pospíšil theorem, see, for instance, [Eng[Hod, Theorem 3.1.24]. Then $$xy'\in x\cdot\bigcap \{\overline{U'_x}: U_x\in \mathcal U_x\}\ \subset \bigcap \{x\overline{U'_x}: U_x\in \mathcal U_x\}\ \subset \bigcap \{\overline{xU'_x}: U_x\in \mathcal U_x\}\subset \bigcap \{\overline{U_x}\in \mathcal U_x\}=\{x\},$$ so $xy'=x$ and $x(y'-1)$7. Since19], the idealgroup $I$$T$ is nonzerodiscrete, $x\ne 0$. Sinceso the set $R$$xU=q^{-1}(0_T)$ is an integral domain, $y'=1$. By Lemma 2, there exists a compact open subring $U$neighborhood of $R$ such that $0\in U$ and$0$ in the additive topological group $1\not\in U$$xR$. SinceTherefore $R$$x+xU$ is a neighborhood of $x$, $1+U$ is a neighborhood of in $1$$xR$, and $1$ is the clusterso there exists a point of $\mathcal U'_x$, $(1+U)\cap R'\ne 0$$y\in I\cap (x+xU)$. Pick anyThat is $y=x+xu$ for some element $u\in U$ such that $1+u\in R'$. Then $x(1+u)\in I$. By Lemma 3, $1+U$ is a multiplicative topological group, so the element $1+u$ is invertible. Then Then $x\in I$, so $I=(x)=\overline{I}$. $\square$
[Eng] Ryszard Engelking, General Topology, 2nd ed., Heldermann, Berlin, 1989.
[Hod] R. Hodel, Cardinal Functions I, in: K.Kunen, J.E.Vaughan (eds.) Handbook of Set-theoretic Topology, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1984.