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I am investigating a particular map from a product of three-spheres to the moduli space of (non-negative, real edge weight) networks. The map in question is

$$f: \smash{\left( \mathbb{S}^3 \right)}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N$$

where $N=\binom{n}{2}$ is the number of edges of a complete graph. We are placing a qubit on each edge of the underlying graph, given by $g: \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}^N$, a semi-ring morphism.

A qubit lives in the Bloch sphere, $\mathbb{S}^3$. Define $e_{ij}:=e_{ij}^0 \lvert0\rangle + e_{ij}^1 \rvert1\rangle$, with $\lvert e_{ij}^0\rvert^2 + \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2 = 1$, and $e_{ij}^k \in \mathbb{C}$. $f$ is given by applying $e_{ij} \rightarrow \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2$ for $1 \le i < j \le n$.

To get unlabeled networks, quotient by the permutation group $\Sigma_n$ where $\sigma \cdot e_{ij} = e_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)}$.


EDIT 1: As pointed out in the comments, this map has fibers which are tori over a generic point, and some of those tori are replaced by circles when the coordinates are 0 (or perhaps 1).

Thus, $f$ is a singular toric fibration. Is it possible to apply a modified Serre spectral sequence to compute the cohomology?

It has been shown by myself and Stephen Rosenberg that the cohomology of the base space is trivial here with code on GitHub.

EDIT 2: Let $Y_n=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N / \Sigma_n$ and $X_N=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N/\Sigma_N$. Claim: $H^*(Y_n)$ is non-trivial. $H^*(Y_n)$ sits in $H^*(X_N)$ as an invariant subspace, since $X_N \rightarrow Y_n$ as $\Sigma_n \subset \Sigma_N$ and $H^*$ is a contravariant functor. Note that $X_N$ is a symmetric space. $H^*(\mathbb{S}^3)$ is non-trivial, so we expect $H^*(X_N)$ to be nontrivial.

EDIT 3: Note that $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N \cong P^N$ by mapping inhomogeneous coordinates $(Z_1,...,Z_N)$ to coefficients of the symmetric polynomial $(x-Z_1)...(x-Z_N)$. $(S^3)^N/\Sigma_N$ has a $T^N$ fibration over $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N$ by Hopf $S^3 \rightarrow P^1$. Then there is a spectral sequence on this fiber bundle. The $E_2$ pageWhat is the tensor product between $H^*(\text{base}=P^N)$ and $H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$. So $H^*((S^3)^N/\Sigma_N)$ has dim. not greater than dim. $$H^*(\text{base}=P^N) \otimes H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$$

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Siu-Cheong Lau for helpful comments.$H^*(Y_n;\mathbb{Z})$?

I am investigating a particular map from a product of three-spheres to the moduli space of (non-negative, real edge weight) networks. The map in question is

$$f: \smash{\left( \mathbb{S}^3 \right)}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N$$

where $N=\binom{n}{2}$ is the number of edges of a complete graph. We are placing a qubit on each edge of the underlying graph, given by $g: \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}^N$, a semi-ring morphism.

A qubit lives in the Bloch sphere, $\mathbb{S}^3$. Define $e_{ij}:=e_{ij}^0 \lvert0\rangle + e_{ij}^1 \rvert1\rangle$, with $\lvert e_{ij}^0\rvert^2 + \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2 = 1$, and $e_{ij}^k \in \mathbb{C}$. $f$ is given by applying $e_{ij} \rightarrow \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2$ for $1 \le i < j \le n$.

To get unlabeled networks, quotient by the permutation group $\Sigma_n$ where $\sigma \cdot e_{ij} = e_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)}$.


EDIT 1: As pointed out in the comments, this map has fibers which are tori over a generic point, and some of those tori are replaced by circles when the coordinates are 0 (or perhaps 1).

Thus, $f$ is a singular toric fibration. Is it possible to apply a modified Serre spectral sequence to compute the cohomology?

It has been shown by myself and Stephen Rosenberg that the cohomology of the base space is trivial here with code on GitHub.

EDIT 2: Let $Y_n=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N / \Sigma_n$ and $X_N=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N/\Sigma_N$. Claim: $H^*(Y_n)$ is non-trivial. $H^*(Y_n)$ sits in $H^*(X_N)$ as an invariant subspace, since $X_N \rightarrow Y_n$ as $\Sigma_n \subset \Sigma_N$ and $H^*$ is a contravariant functor. Note that $X_N$ is a symmetric space. $H^*(\mathbb{S}^3)$ is non-trivial, so we expect $H^*(X_N)$ to be nontrivial.

EDIT 3: Note that $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N \cong P^N$ by mapping inhomogeneous coordinates $(Z_1,...,Z_N)$ to coefficients of the symmetric polynomial $(x-Z_1)...(x-Z_N)$. $(S^3)^N/\Sigma_N$ has a $T^N$ fibration over $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N$ by Hopf $S^3 \rightarrow P^1$. Then there is a spectral sequence on this fiber bundle. The $E_2$ page is the tensor product between $H^*(\text{base}=P^N)$ and $H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$. So $H^*((S^3)^N/\Sigma_N)$ has dim. not greater than dim. $$H^*(\text{base}=P^N) \otimes H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$$

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Siu-Cheong Lau for helpful comments.

I am investigating a particular map from a product of three-spheres to the moduli space of (non-negative, real edge weight) networks. The map in question is

$$f: \smash{\left( \mathbb{S}^3 \right)}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N$$

where $N=\binom{n}{2}$ is the number of edges of a complete graph. We are placing a qubit on each edge of the underlying graph, given by $g: \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}^N$, a semi-ring morphism.

A qubit lives in the Bloch sphere, $\mathbb{S}^3$. Define $e_{ij}:=e_{ij}^0 \lvert0\rangle + e_{ij}^1 \rvert1\rangle$, with $\lvert e_{ij}^0\rvert^2 + \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2 = 1$, and $e_{ij}^k \in \mathbb{C}$. $f$ is given by applying $e_{ij} \rightarrow \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2$ for $1 \le i < j \le n$.

To get unlabeled networks, quotient by the permutation group $\Sigma_n$ where $\sigma \cdot e_{ij} = e_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)}$.

Let $Y_n=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N / \Sigma_n$ and $X_N=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N/\Sigma_N$. What is $H^*(Y_n;\mathbb{Z})$?

Notice removed Authoritative reference needed by Jackson Walters
Bounty Ended with Ian Agol's answer chosen by Jackson Walters
updated title to better reflect what is being computed

Cohomology of a (singular) fibration over the moduliamplitude space of unlabeled quantum networks

formatting for last part
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I am investigating a particular map from a product of three-spheres to the moduli space of (non-negative, real edge weight) networks. The map in question is

$$f: \smash{\left( \mathbb{S}^3 \right)}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N$$

where $N=\binom{n}{2}$ is the number of edges of a complete graph. We are placing a qubit on each edge of the underlying graph, given by $g: \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}^N$, a semi-ring morphism.

A qubit lives in the Bloch sphere, $\mathbb{S}^3$. Define $e_{ij}:=e_{ij}^0 \lvert0\rangle + e_{ij}^1 \rvert1\rangle$, with $\lvert e_{ij}^0\rvert^2 + \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2 = 1$, and $e_{ij}^k \in \mathbb{C}$. $f$ is given by applying $e_{ij} \rightarrow \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2$ for $1 \le i < j \le n$.

To get unlabeled networks, quotient by the permutation group $\Sigma_n$ where $\sigma \cdot e_{ij} = e_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)}$.

EDIT 1: As pointed out in the comments, this map has fibers which are tori over a generic point, and some of those tori are replaced by circles when the coordinates are 0 (or perhaps 1).

Thus, $f$ is a singular toric fibration. Is it possible to apply a modified Serre spectral sequence to compute the cohomology?

It has been shown by myself and Stephen Rosenberg that the cohomology of the base space is trivial here with code on GitHub.

EDIT 2: Let $Y_n=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N / \Sigma_n$ and $X_N=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N/\Sigma_N$. Claim: $H^*(Y_n)$ is non-trivial. $H^*(X_N)$$H^*(Y_n)$ sits in $H^*(Y_n)$$H^*(X_N)$ as an invariant subspace, since $Y_n \rightarrow X_N$$X_N \rightarrow Y_n$ as $\Sigma_n \subset \Sigma_N$ and $H^*$ is a contravariant functor. Note that $X_N$ is a symmetric space. $H^*(\mathbb{S}^3)$ is non-trivial, so we expect $H^*(X_N)$ to be nontrivial.

ChatGPT gives a helpful outline of how to compute $H^*(X_N)$ when $N=4$, noting that $H^*(S^3)=\mathbb{R}[1,x]$, with 1 in degree 0 and $x$ in degree 3. $H^*((S^3)^4)=\mathbb{R}[1,x]^{\otimes 4}$. Then it states "the action of $\Sigma_4$ will induce certain relations in the cohomology", and suggest using tools from equivariant cohomology and representation theory.

EDIT 3: From Siu-Cheong: Note that $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N \cong P^N$ by mapping inhomogeneous coordinates $(Z_1,...,Z_N)$ to coefficients of the symmetric polynomial $(x-Z_1)...(x-Z_N)$. $(S^3)^N/\Sigma_N$ has a $T^N$ fibration over $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N$ by Hopf $S^3 \rightarrow P^1$. Then there is a spectral sequence on this fiber bundle. The $E_2$ page is the tensor product between $H^*(\text{base}=P^N)$ and $H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$. So $H^*((S^3)^N/\Sigma_N)$ has dim. not greater than $H^*(\text{base}=P^N) \otimes H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$dim. $$H^*(\text{base}=P^N) \otimes H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$$

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Siu-Cheong Lau for helpful comments.

I am investigating a particular map from a product of three-spheres to the moduli space of (non-negative, real edge weight) networks. The map in question is

$$f: \smash{\left( \mathbb{S}^3 \right)}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N$$

where $N=\binom{n}{2}$ is the number of edges of a complete graph. We are placing a qubit on each edge of the underlying graph, given by $g: \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}^N$, a semi-ring morphism.

A qubit lives in the Bloch sphere, $\mathbb{S}^3$. Define $e_{ij}:=e_{ij}^0 \lvert0\rangle + e_{ij}^1 \rvert1\rangle$, with $\lvert e_{ij}^0\rvert^2 + \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2 = 1$, and $e_{ij}^k \in \mathbb{C}$. $f$ is given by applying $e_{ij} \rightarrow \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2$ for $1 \le i < j \le n$.

To get unlabeled networks, quotient by the permutation group $\Sigma_n$ where $\sigma \cdot e_{ij} = e_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)}$.

EDIT 1: As pointed out in the comments, this map has fibers which are tori over a generic point, and some of those tori are replaced by circles when the coordinates are 0 (or perhaps 1).

Thus, $f$ is a singular toric fibration. Is it possible to apply a modified Serre spectral sequence to compute the cohomology?

It has been shown by myself and Stephen Rosenberg that the cohomology of the base space is trivial here with code on GitHub.

EDIT 2: Let $Y_n=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N / \Sigma_n$ and $X_N=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N/\Sigma_N$. Claim: $H^*(Y_n)$ is non-trivial. $H^*(X_N)$ sits in $H^*(Y_n)$ as an invariant subspace, since $Y_n \rightarrow X_N$ as $\Sigma_n \subset \Sigma_N$ and $H^*$ is a contravariant functor. Note that $X_N$ is a symmetric space. $H^*(\mathbb{S}^3)$ is non-trivial, so we expect $H^*(X_N)$ to be nontrivial.

ChatGPT gives a helpful outline of how to compute $H^*(X_N)$ when $N=4$, noting that $H^*(S^3)=\mathbb{R}[1,x]$, with 1 in degree 0 and $x$ in degree 3. $H^*((S^3)^4)=\mathbb{R}[1,x]^{\otimes 4}$. Then it states "the action of $\Sigma_4$ will induce certain relations in the cohomology", and suggest using tools from equivariant cohomology and representation theory.

EDIT 3: From Siu-Cheong: Note that $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N \cong P^N$ by mapping inhomogeneous coordinates $(Z_1,...,Z_N)$ to coefficients of the symmetric polynomial $(x-Z_1)...(x-Z_N)$. $(S^3)^N/\Sigma_N$ has a $T^N$ fibration over $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N$ by Hopf $S^3 \rightarrow P^1$. Then there is a spectral sequence on this fiber bundle. The $E_2$ page is the tensor product between $H^*(\text{base}=P^N)$ and $H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$. So $H^*((S^3)^N/\Sigma_N)$ has dim. not greater than $H^*(\text{base}=P^N) \otimes H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$.

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Siu-Cheong Lau for helpful comments.

I am investigating a particular map from a product of three-spheres to the moduli space of (non-negative, real edge weight) networks. The map in question is

$$f: \smash{\left( \mathbb{S}^3 \right)}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N$$

where $N=\binom{n}{2}$ is the number of edges of a complete graph. We are placing a qubit on each edge of the underlying graph, given by $g: \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}^N \rightarrow \{0,1\}^N$, a semi-ring morphism.

A qubit lives in the Bloch sphere, $\mathbb{S}^3$. Define $e_{ij}:=e_{ij}^0 \lvert0\rangle + e_{ij}^1 \rvert1\rangle$, with $\lvert e_{ij}^0\rvert^2 + \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2 = 1$, and $e_{ij}^k \in \mathbb{C}$. $f$ is given by applying $e_{ij} \rightarrow \lvert e_{ij}^1\rvert^2$ for $1 \le i < j \le n$.

To get unlabeled networks, quotient by the permutation group $\Sigma_n$ where $\sigma \cdot e_{ij} = e_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)}$.

EDIT 1: As pointed out in the comments, this map has fibers which are tori over a generic point, and some of those tori are replaced by circles when the coordinates are 0 (or perhaps 1).

Thus, $f$ is a singular toric fibration. Is it possible to apply a modified Serre spectral sequence to compute the cohomology?

It has been shown by myself and Stephen Rosenberg that the cohomology of the base space is trivial here with code on GitHub.

EDIT 2: Let $Y_n=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N / \Sigma_n$ and $X_N=(\mathbb{S}^3)^N/\Sigma_N$. Claim: $H^*(Y_n)$ is non-trivial. $H^*(Y_n)$ sits in $H^*(X_N)$ as an invariant subspace, since $X_N \rightarrow Y_n$ as $\Sigma_n \subset \Sigma_N$ and $H^*$ is a contravariant functor. Note that $X_N$ is a symmetric space. $H^*(\mathbb{S}^3)$ is non-trivial, so we expect $H^*(X_N)$ to be nontrivial.

EDIT 3: Note that $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N \cong P^N$ by mapping inhomogeneous coordinates $(Z_1,...,Z_N)$ to coefficients of the symmetric polynomial $(x-Z_1)...(x-Z_N)$. $(S^3)^N/\Sigma_N$ has a $T^N$ fibration over $(P^1)^N/\Sigma_N$ by Hopf $S^3 \rightarrow P^1$. Then there is a spectral sequence on this fiber bundle. The $E_2$ page is the tensor product between $H^*(\text{base}=P^N)$ and $H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$. So $H^*((S^3)^N/\Sigma_N)$ has dim. not greater than dim. $$H^*(\text{base}=P^N) \otimes H^*(\text{fiber}=T^N)$$

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Siu-Cheong Lau for helpful comments.

use \text
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deleted ChatGPT's attempt at computing H^*(Y_n)
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compressed ChatGPT responses to text from images. added Siu-Cheong's comments
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just give the outline until an authoritative response from a mathematician or software package is given
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add ChatGPT disclaimer and update computation to show results for \mathbb{Z} coefficients
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ChatGPT claims to compute the cohomology of X_N when N=4 with coefficients in R
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changed notation to X_N and Y_n since using Y_N is confusing. edited ChatGPT's response.
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$Y_N$ is a connected space so $H^0(Y_N)=\mathbb{Z}$. ChatGPT has made an obvious error.
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add result for n=4, N=6
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add computation showing $H^*(Y_n)$ is non-trivial
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Notice added Authoritative reference needed by Jackson Walters
Bounty Started worth 50 reputation by Jackson Walters
incorporate comment and suggest computation involving modified Serre spectral sequence
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Capitalise title
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  • 12.9k
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we are interested in unlabeled networks
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