C3-atomicAtomic: $x \mathcal C y \iff \exists a \exists b: a \ p^* \ x \land b \ p^* \ y \land a \mathcal C b$
Define: $ Cloud(X)=W \iff \operatorname {Unit}(W) \land \\ \forall l \ p^* \ W \exists a \ p \ X, \exists b \ p \ X: a \overset {l}- b \\ \land \forall a \ p^* \ X \, \forall b \ p^* \ X [a \neq b \implies \exists l \ p \ W: a \overset{l} - b] $$ Cloud(X)=W \iff \operatorname {Unit}(W) \land \\ \forall l \ p^* \ W \exists a \ p \ X \exists b \ p \ X: a \overset {l}- b \\ \land \forall a \ p^* \ X \, \forall b \ p^* \ X [a \neq b \implies \exists l \ p \ W: a \overset{l} - b] $
Define (Set-hood): $Set(X) \iff \\\exists Y: (Y \text { is fusion of Clouds } \lor Y=\varnothing) \land X=Cloud(Y) $$\begin{align}Set(X) \iff \exists Y: & (Y \text { is fusion of Clouds } \lor Y=\varnothing) \land \\ & X=Cloud(Y) \end{align} $
Now to make a system that can interpret $\sf ZFC$, we need to add size criterions:
we. We can coin an Axiom of Size:
If we add another size criterion that of InfinityInfinity, i.e, there is a Unit with infinitecomposed of infinitely many atoms. Then we get to interpret $\sf ZFC$.