Deep Choice: $\forall X \ [\forall a,b \in X \, ( a \neq \emptyset \land (a \neq b \to a \cap b = \emptyset)) \to \\ \exists Y \exists f \,(f: X \rightarrowtail Y \land \forall x \in X \,( f(x) \in \operatorname {tc}(x)))]$
In English: for every family $X$ of pairwise disjoint nonempty sets, there is an injective function that sends each element $x$ of $X$ to an element of the transitive closure of $x$.
Denote this principle $``\sf Dp C\!"$“$\mathsf{DpC}$”.
Is the following true?
$(\sf ZF + DpC) \to AC$$(\mathsf{ZF} + \mathsf{DpC}) \to \mathsf{AC}$.