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Timeline for Eigenvalues and transpose

Current License: CC BY-SA 2.5

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Oct 26, 2010 at 16:24 comment added rpotrie You are right, I wasn't carefull enough to construct the example. The idea is that with that construction (considering translations and including the matrix you want in the orbit of a chosen point, say $0$) you get that you can realize any product of matrices as the product of the derivatives along the orbit.
Oct 26, 2010 at 13:46 comment added Willie Wong An additional benefit for posting comments instead of new answers is that the answerer, in this case rpotrie, will be notified of your comment. New answers don't have this benefit and so rpotrie may not notice your objection until much later.
Oct 26, 2010 at 13:45 comment added Willie Wong Alexandra: generally this should be a comment on rpotrie's answer. Now, the person who posts the question generally can comment on all answers to her questions. In your case, since you provided two different log-ins, the software wasn't able to recognize you as the same person, and demands you to have 50 reputation before allowing the comment. For future reference, please log-in to MathOverflow using the same credentials every time. This way you can post comments such as above directly as a response comment to the answers given, and not as a separate answer.
Oct 26, 2010 at 13:38 history answered Alexandra Korobeynikova CC BY-SA 2.5