One way around this issue (as suggested by David Roberts in the comments), which will work when the collection of measurable classes is comparatively small, is to consider measures that are codeable entirely into a single class. For example, one could consider the underlying collection of measurable sets as the set of sections $M\subset V\times V$, where sections are $M_x=\{y\mid (x,y)\in M\}$, and then consider the measure as a class function $\mu:V\to\mathbb{R}$. When the collection of measurable classes is indexable by $V$, then this approach works fine in the second-order frameworks such as KM. Probably one will usually want to augment KM with stronger axioms such as the class DC schema, which is not provable in KM. This method of coding into classes by sections is common in many other context — for example, one can construct class binary relations $\Gamma$ on Ord that code "metaordinals" higher than Ord, and then aim to undertake class recursions of length $\Gamma$. This is the underlying idea in the principle ETR.