There's a remarkably simple formula that explains this behavior. If $x,y,x_i$ are drawn IID from a Gaussian distribution in $\mathbb{R}^d$, we haveAnswering Frobenius norm part of the followingquestion:
$$\mathbb{E}\left\|\sum_i^b x_i x_i^T\right\|_F^2=b\ \mathbb{E}(\|x\|^4)+b(b-1) \mathbb{E}\langle x, y\rangle$$
This means that the value of $\frac{1}{b^2}\|XX^T\|_F^2$ is a weighted mean between $E[\|x\|^4]$ andSuppose $\mathbb{E}\langle x, y\rangle$.
Sometimes we can$X$ contains exchange the order$b$ IID instances of random variable $E$ and reciprocal, which would make quantity in question a weighted harmonic mean between$x$ stacked as rows. Let $1/E[\|x\|^4]$ and$x$ be distributed as zero-centered Gaussian with covariance $1/\mathbb{E}\langle x, y\rangle$, which is the empirical behavior observed in plots above$\Sigma$. We can show the following
Proof:$$E[\|X'X\|_F^2]=b(b+1)\operatorname{Tr}\Sigma^2+b (\operatorname{Tr} \Sigma)^2$$
Matrix multiplication is commutative w.r.t to any Schatten normTo prove this, hence we can write
$$\left\|\sum_i^b x_i x_i^T\right\|=\left\|X^TX\right\|^2_F=\left\|XX^T\right\|^2_F=\sum_i \sum_j \langle x_i, x_j\rangle^2$$first note that:
Here $X$ is formed by stacking $x_i$ as rows, as per-convention for the data matrix in statistics.$$\|X^T X\|_F^2=\operatorname{Tr} X^T X X^T X$$
Taking the expectation of latter expression we have $b^2$ termsAnd that for arbitrary R. Because $x_i$ are sampled IID, there are only two kinds of terms: $b$ diagonal terms and $b(b-1)$ off-diagonal terms, result followsV. $x$ we have
Alternative ways of writing this result usingFor Gaussian result for dot produt$x$ centered at zero we can apply Wick's theorem to get:
$$\mathbb{E}\left\|\sum_i^b x_i x_i^T\right\|_F^2=b\ \mathbb{E}(\|x\|^4)+\frac{1}{2}b(b-1)\left(\mathbb{E}\left[\|x\|^4\right]-\mathbb{E}\left[\|x\|^2\right]^2+2\ \|\mathbb{E}x\|^4\right) $$$$E[xx'xx']=2E[xx']E[xx']+E[xx'] \operatorname{Tr}E[xx']$$
Or it can be written in terms of covariance matrix/mean using Gaussian momentCombining these three equations yields the result hereabove