- $C$ is algebraic
- For all $c \in C$, $F(c)$ is algebraic.
- For all $c \xrightarrow{f} c'$ in $C$, the functor $f^*:F(c') \to F(c)$ has a left adjoint $f_! \dashv f^*$.
- For all $c \xrightarrow{f} c'$ in $C$, the functor $f^*:F(c') \to F(c)$ preserves sifted colimits.
Condition $3.$ implies that $\int F \to C$ is in fact a Grothendieck bifibration. Because it is an opfibration and the base category and the pointwise images are cocomplete, the total category is cocomplete and colimits may be computed as follows: for a diagram $I \to \int F, i \mapsto (c_i,a_i)$, first take the colimit $\varinjlim c_i$ in $C$, denote the structure morphisms of that as $\iota_i$ and then take the colimit in $F(\varinjlim c_i)$ of $(\iota_i)_!a_i$, then the pair $(\varinjlim c_i, \varinjlim (\iota_i)_! a_i) \in \int F$ is the desired colimit. Now we can choose for $C$ a set of compact projectives $P_C$ that generates $C$ under sifted colimits. And then for each $p \in P_C$, we may choose a set of compact projectives $P_{F(p)}$ in $F(p)$ that generate it under sifted colimits, then the claim is that the set $\{(p,q_p) \mid p \in P_C, q_p \in P_{F(p)}\}$ is a set of compact projectives for $\int F$ that generates it under sifted colimits.
Fix such a pair $(p,q_p)$. Let $I$ be a sifted category and consider a diagram $I \to \int F, i \mapsto (c_i,a_i)$. As described above, which onewe have the colimit of the diagram given by $(\varinjlim c_i, \varinjlim (\iota_i)_!a_i)$. We have:
$$ \mathrm{Hom}_{\int F}((p,q_p),(\varinjlim c_i, \varinjlim (\iota_i)_!a_i))=\{(f,\alpha) \mid f \in \mathrm{Hom}_C(p,\varinjlim c_i),\alpha \in \mathrm{Hom}_{F(p)}(q_p,f^*(\varinjlim (\iota_i)_!a_i))\}$$
Now we can check because colimitsuse condition 4. and that $q_p$ is compact projective, so we get that this is
$$\{(f,\alpha) \mid f \in \mathrm{Hom}_C(p,\varinjlim c_i), \varinjlim \mathrm{Hom}_{F(p)}(q_p, f^*((\iota_i)_!a_i))\}$$
$p$ is also compact projective, so this is (using that $I$ is sifted)
$$\varinjlim \{(f,\alpha) \mid f \in \mathrm{Hom}_C(p,c_i),\alpha \in \mathrm{Hom}_{F(p)}(q_p,f^*a_i)\}=\varinjlim \mathrm{Hom}_{\int F}((p,q_p),(c_i,a_i))$$
To see that the set $\{(p,q_p)\}$ generates $\int F$ under sifted colimits, take $(c,a) \in \int F$. Then there is a sifted category $I$ such that $\varinjlim\limits_{i \in I} p_i=c$, in particular there are structure morphisms both have an explicit reasonable description$\iota_i:p_i \to c$. HenceFor each $\int F$$i \in I$, we have that $\iota_i^*a$ is algebraica sifted colimit of some $q_{p_i,j}$ or equivalently, $a$ is the sifted colimit of some $(\iota_i)_!q_{p_i,j}$, so if we take the colimit over $(p_i,q_{p_i,j})$, we get $(c,a)$.