$\newcommand\Vect{\mathit{Vect}}\newcommand\Hom{\mathit{Hom}}$It seems that we can recoverAt least the birational tyie of a smooth projective variety can be recovered from itsthe monoidal category of vector bundles using Cox rings of line bundles on it. (the previous version of this answer claimed that the isomorphism class can be recovered but now I don't think that the original argument works)
For any line bundle $L$ on $X$ there is a dominant rational map from $X$ to $R(X,L):=\operatorname{Proj}\bigoplus H^0(X,L^n) $ which is an isomorphism if $L$ is very ample. In the monoidal category $\Vect(X)$ the invertible objects are precisely the line bundles, and the structure sheaf is the unit object, so given the category $\Vect(X)$ we can recover the collection of schemes $R(X,L)$ for all line bundles $L$ (because $H^0(X,L^n)=\Hom_{\Vect(X)}(O_X,L^{\otimes n})$), though we are not being told which of these arise from ample line bundles.
To recover this information, let'sLet's discard all $R(X,L)$ that are not of finite type, and among. Among the remaining ones consider thoseall the $R(X,L)$s that are smooth projective varieties ofhave maximal dimension. These all are birational to $X$ and we, so the birational type of $X$ can be recovered from $(Vect(X),\otimes)$.
It is unclear to me right now how to recover $X$ asitself: the only one of themissue is that an equivalence (up$(Vect(X),\otimes)\simeq (Vect(Y),\otimes)$ might a priori carry an ample line bundle on $X$ to isomorphisma non-ample (though necessarily big) that admits regular maps to all the othersline bundle on another variety $Y$.