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Let Tutte polynomial on graph with edge-set $E$ be defined as follows

$$f(q,v)=\sum_{A\subseteq E} q^{\kappa(A)} v^{|A|}$$

Here the sum is over all subgraphs $A$, $\kappa(A)$ is the number of connected components in $A$, $|A|$ is number of edges in $A$.

Let $$g(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} \log f(q,v)$$ $$h(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} f(q,v)$$

Is anything known about $g(q,-1)$ or $h(q,-1)$?

(Edit 10/26Oct 26 2010: actually it's the multivariate Tutte polynomial restricted to all $v$'s being equal, relation to regular Tutte polynomial in Jeremy Martin's answer)

Update 10/24Oct 24 2010

$f(q,-1)$ is the number of proper $q$ colorings, $h(q,-1)$ is ???, $g(q,-1)$ is their ratio. Below are tables of values of $h(q,-1)$ for paths, cycles, complete graphs. Columns give graph size, $n=3..6$, rows give $q=2..8$


Mathematica code to generate this:

computeH[graphName_, q_] := (
   g = Normal[GraphData[graphName, "AdjacencyMatrix"]];
   edges = Select[Position[g, 1], #[[1]] < #[[2]] &];
   kr[x_, edge_] := Boole[x[[First[edge]]] == x[[Last[edge]]]];
   term[x_] := Times @@ (1 + v kr[x, #] & /@ edges);
   xs = Tuples[Range[q], Length[g]];
   f = Total[term /@ xs];
   D[f, v] /. v -> -1
   Table[computeH[{#, n}, q], {q, 2, 8}, {n, 3, 6}]] & /@ {"Path", 
  "Cycle", "Complete"}

Let Tutte polynomial on graph with edge-set $E$ be defined as follows

$$f(q,v)=\sum_{A\subseteq E} q^{\kappa(A)} v^{|A|}$$

Here the sum is over all subgraphs $A$, $\kappa(A)$ is the number of connected components in $A$, $|A|$ is number of edges in $A$.

Let $$g(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} \log f(q,v)$$ $$h(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} f(q,v)$$

Is anything known about $g(q,-1)$ or $h(q,-1)$?

(Edit 10/26: actually it's the multivariate Tutte polynomial restricted to all $v$'s being equal, relation to regular Tutte polynomial in Jeremy Martin's answer)

Update 10/24

$f(q,-1)$ is the number of proper $q$ colorings, $h(q,-1)$ is ???, $g(q,-1)$ is their ratio. Below are tables of values of $h(q,-1)$ for paths, cycles, complete graphs. Columns give graph size, $n=3..6$, rows give $q=2..8$

Mathematica code to generate this

Let Tutte polynomial on graph with edge-set $E$ be defined as follows

$$f(q,v)=\sum_{A\subseteq E} q^{\kappa(A)} v^{|A|}$$

Here the sum is over all subgraphs $A$, $\kappa(A)$ is the number of connected components in $A$, $|A|$ is number of edges in $A$.

Let $$g(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} \log f(q,v)$$ $$h(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} f(q,v)$$

Is anything known about $g(q,-1)$ or $h(q,-1)$?

(Edit Oct 26 2010: actually it's the multivariate Tutte polynomial restricted to all $v$'s being equal, relation to regular Tutte polynomial in Jeremy Martin's answer)

Update Oct 24 2010

$f(q,-1)$ is the number of proper $q$ colorings, $h(q,-1)$ is ???, $g(q,-1)$ is their ratio. Below are tables of values of $h(q,-1)$ for paths, cycles, complete graphs. Columns give graph size, $n=3..6$, rows give $q=2..8$


Mathematica code to generate this:

computeH[graphName_, q_] := (
   g = Normal[GraphData[graphName, "AdjacencyMatrix"]];
   edges = Select[Position[g, 1], #[[1]] < #[[2]] &];
   kr[x_, edge_] := Boole[x[[First[edge]]] == x[[Last[edge]]]];
   term[x_] := Times @@ (1 + v kr[x, #] & /@ edges);
   xs = Tuples[Range[q], Length[g]];
   f = Total[term /@ xs];
   D[f, v] /. v -> -1
   Table[computeH[{#, n}, q], {q, 2, 8}, {n, 3, 6}]] & /@ {"Path", 
  "Cycle", "Complete"}
added 220 characters in body
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Let Tutte polynomial on graph with edge-set $E$ be defined as follows

$$f(q,v)=\sum_{A\subseteq E} q^{\kappa(A)} v^{|A|}$$

Here the sum is over all subgraphs $A$, $\kappa(A)$ is the number of connected components in $A$, $|A|$ is number of edges in $A$.

Let $$g(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} \log f(q,v)$$ $$h(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} f(q,v)$$

Is anything known about $g(q,-1)$ or $h(q,-1)$?

(Edit 10/26: actually it's the multivariate Tutte polynomial restricted to all $v$'s being equal, relation to regular Tutte polynomial in Jeremy Martin's answer)

Update 10/24

$f(q,-1)$ is the number of proper $q$ colorings, $h(q,-1)$ is ???, $g(q,-1)$ is their ratio. Below are tables of values of $h(q,-1)$ for paths, cycles, complete graphs. Columns give graph size, $n=3..6$, rows give $q=2..8$

Mathematica code to generate this

Let Tutte polynomial on graph with edge-set $E$ be defined as follows

$$f(q,v)=\sum_{A\subseteq E} q^{\kappa(A)} v^{|A|}$$

Here the sum is over all subgraphs $A$, $\kappa(A)$ is the number of connected components in $A$, $|A|$ is number of edges in $A$.

Let $$g(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} \log f(q,v)$$ $$h(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} f(q,v)$$

Is anything known about $g(q,-1)$ or $h(q,-1)$?

Update 10/24

$f(q,-1)$ is the number of proper $q$ colorings, $h(q,-1)$ is ???, $g(q,-1)$ is their ratio. Below are tables of values of $h(q,-1)$ for paths, cycles, complete graphs. Columns give graph size, $n=3..6$, rows give $q=2..8$

Mathematica code to generate this

Let Tutte polynomial on graph with edge-set $E$ be defined as follows

$$f(q,v)=\sum_{A\subseteq E} q^{\kappa(A)} v^{|A|}$$

Here the sum is over all subgraphs $A$, $\kappa(A)$ is the number of connected components in $A$, $|A|$ is number of edges in $A$.

Let $$g(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} \log f(q,v)$$ $$h(q,v)=\frac{\partial}{\partial v} f(q,v)$$

Is anything known about $g(q,-1)$ or $h(q,-1)$?

(Edit 10/26: actually it's the multivariate Tutte polynomial restricted to all $v$'s being equal, relation to regular Tutte polynomial in Jeremy Martin's answer)

Update 10/24

$f(q,-1)$ is the number of proper $q$ colorings, $h(q,-1)$ is ???, $g(q,-1)$ is their ratio. Below are tables of values of $h(q,-1)$ for paths, cycles, complete graphs. Columns give graph size, $n=3..6$, rows give $q=2..8$

Mathematica code to generate this

added table of values
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