One page 159 of The Arithmetic of Hyperbolic Manifolds by Maclachlan and Reid:-
In more detail, suppose that $\Gamma$ is a $(l,m,n)$-triangle group where $1/l+1/m+1/n<1$ so that $\Gamma$ has the presentation
$\langle x,y\mid x^l=y^m=(xy)^n=1 \rangle$.
Then $\mathbb{Q}(\mathrm{tr}\Gamma)=\mathbb{Q}(\cos\pi/l,\cos\pi/m,\cos\pi/n)$ (see (3.25)), and the invariant trace field is a subfield of this totally real number field (see Exercise 4.9, No. 1).
More generally, Maclachlan and Reid should have the answers to all your questions about trace fields.