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Post Made Community Wiki by François G. Dorais
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finding cutting edge papers and books

Hi all,

what are the best strategies to find cutting edge papers and books on a field of mathematics?


2-3 years ago I had to analyze a time series. I found a paper and showed that to a mathematician who referred me to the REAL state-of-the art method how to do it.

Then I read the book ‘Analysis and Probability: Wavelets, Signals, Fractals’ by Palle E. T. Jorgensen, which is excellent and a good reference.

How can I find for example the latest advances in (applied) mathematical Logic (modal logic, high order logic, type theory, proof theory)?

How can I find the state of the art advances in time series analysis since mid 2007?

My current strategies are using google search and google scholar to find papers. Or to try to find a good mathematician in a field an ask in person for papers.

Thanks for any Tipps!