This proof uses the open mapping theorem, which is essentially fromI found in Narasimhan's book.
Theorem: Let $f\in C^\omega(\mathbb{C})$, and suppose that $|f(z)|\to\infty$ as $|z|\to\infty$. Then $f(\mathbb{C})=\mathbb{C}$.
Proof: Obviously $f$ is not constant, and so the open mapping theorem implies that $f(\mathbb{C})$ is open. Let us show that $f(\mathbb{C})$ is also closed. Suppose that $f(z_k)\to w\in\mathbb{C}$ as $k\to\infty$. Then $\{z_k\}$ is bounded, so taking a subsequence if necessary, there is $z\in\mathbb{C}$ such that $z_k\to z$. By continuity $f(z_k)\to f(z)$, concluding that $w=f(z)$.