Two mathematical sources worth consulting are Helgason Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces (Chapter IX.1) and a paper by Kostant available online from
here; reviewed in
MR0364552 (51 #806) 22E45,
Kostant, Bertram,
On convexity, the Weyl group and the Iwasawa decomposition.
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 6 (1973), 413–455 (1974).
Both of these older sources put the various matrix decompositions into the framework of Lie groups and the complexified Lie algebras over $\mathbb{C}$. There are certainly other discussions in the literature which might be helpful but don't come to mind immediately. Anyway, Helgason's viewpoint emphasizes the passage to the symmetric space $G/K$ generalizing the space of symmetric matrices, while Kostant emphasizes decompositions within a Lie group.
ADDED: In his answer Faisal points out more explicitly some of these connections with matrix decompositions. There is a lot of interplay among the Cartan, Iwasawa, and Bruhat decompositions, as shown in the above references. The polar decomposition is part of this story, though in a way it's less refined. All of the viewpoints here are important, but historically the Cartan decomposition has some primacy.