$$\DeclareMathOperator{\Top}{Top}$$ $$\DeclareMathOperator{\co}{H}$$
Let$\DeclareMathOperator{\Top}{Top} \DeclareMathOperator{\co}{H}$Let $M$ be a closed orientable connected topological manifold of dimension $4k$ with $k > 1$. It is known (David Frank, On the index of a tangent 2-fieldDavid Frank, On the index of a tangent 2-field) that if $M$ has a smooth structure, the necessary and sufficient condition for it to admit two linearly independent vector fields is the following:
The Euler characteristic $\chi(M) = 0$ and the signature $\sigma(M) \equiv 0 \pmod{4}$.
Do the same two conditions characterize whether the tangent microbundle $\tau M$ of $M$ has a rank 2 trivial subbundle?
The vanishing $\chi(M) = 0$ is evidently necessary, for instance by the Lefschetz fixed point theorem; it is also sufficient for $\tau M$ to have a rank one trivial subbundle by Corollary 1.5 in Ronald J. Stern, On topological and piecewise linear vector fieldsRonald J. Stern, On topological and piecewise linear vector fields.
Duane Randall has papers that work out the analogous characterization with non-orientable manifolds and manifolds of dimension $4k+1$, $4k+2$, $4k+3$, but they seem to leave the orientable 4k case unsettled in general.
Duane Randall, CAT 2-fields on nonorientable CAT manifoldsDuane Randall, CAT 2-fields on nonorientable CAT manifolds
Duane Randall, On indices of tangent fields with finite singularitiesDuane Randall, On indices of tangent fields with finite singularities
Duane Randall, On 4-manifolds and span-related numbers for CAT manifoldsDuane Randall, On 4-manifolds and span-related numbers for CAT manifolds
Let me outline the formal part of (what seems to be) the right setup. By microbundle representation theorems we can write $\tau \colon M \rightarrow B\Top(4k)$ which we want to lift along a fibration $$V_{4k,2}^{\Top} := \Top(4k) \,/\, \Top(4k,2) \rightarrow B\Top(4k,2) \rightarrow B\Top(4k) \, .$$ The primary obstruction should be the Bockstein of the $(4k-2)$nd Stiefel-Whitney class and vanish, similar to the smooth case. The next and final obstruction class will lie inside $$\co^{4k}\left(M;\pi_{4k-1}(V_{4k,2}^{\Top})\right) \cong \pi_{4k-1}(V_{4k,2}^{\Top}) \cong \pi_{4k-1}(V_{4k,2}) \cong \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}/2$$ where the second isomorphism is by Theorem 2.5 of Stern's paper. The problem then becomes showing that this class always corresponds to a pair of the form $$\left(\chi(M), \,\frac{\sigma(M) \pm \chi(M)}{2} \!\!\!\mod{\!2}\right) \in \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}/2 \, .$$