Proof. By the definition of the cardinal $\mathfrak q_0$, there exists a second-countable metrizable space $Y$, which is not a $Q$-space and hence contains a subset $A$ which is not of type $G_\delta$ in $X$. Let $\tau'$ be the topology on $X$, generated by the subbase $\tau\cup\{X\setminus A\}$ where $\tau$ is the topology of the metrizable space $Y$. It is clear that $X=(Y,\tau')$ is a second-countable space containing $A$ as a closed subset. Since $\tau\subseteq\tau'$, the space $X$ is submetrizable. Assuming that $X$ is symmetrizable and applying Theorem 2, we conclude that $X$ is perfect and hence hence the closed set $A$ is equal to the intersection $\bigcap\mathcal W$$\bigcap_{n\in\omega}W_n$ of a countable familysome open sets $\mathcal W\subseteq\tau'$$W_n\in\tau'$. Taking into account that each set $U'\in\tau'\setminus\tau$ isBy the choice of the formtopology $U\setminus A$$\tau'$, for someevery $U\in\tau$, we can show$n\in\omega$ there exists open sets $U_n,V_n\in \tau$ such that $\mathcal W\subseteq\tau$ and$W_n=U_n\cup(V_n\setminus A)$. It follows from $A\subseteq W_n=U_n\cup(V_n\setminus A)$ that $A=A\cap W_n=A\cap U_n\subseteq U_n$. $$A=\bigcap_{n\in\omega}W_n=A\cap\bigcap_{n\in\omega}W_n=\bigcap_{n\in\omega}(A\cap W_n)=\bigcap_{n\in\omega}(A\cap U_n)\subseteq \bigcap_{n\in\omega}U_n\subseteq \bigcap_{n\in\omega}W_n=A$$ and hence $A=\bigcap\mathcal W$$A=\bigcap_{n\in\omega}U_n$ is a $G_\delta$-set in $Y$$X$, which contradicts the choice of $A$. This contradiction shows that the submetrizable second-countable space $X$ is not symmetrizable. $\square$