I am using a particular form of a definition of a category in ZFC. According to this definition, the sets $V_{\alpha}$ for limit ordinals $\alpha$ such that $\omega < \alpha$ replace the Grothendieck universes in the more conventional setting for the definition of a category. This approach is similar to what was originally proposed in Set-Theoretical Foundations of Category Theory [A] and later promoted in Set Theory for Category Theory [B] and a few other expository articles (e.g. [C, D]).
I have done some experiments in an attempt to avoid some of the aforementioned difficulties, and I found that the following condition is quite natural for the definition of an "$\alpha$-locally-small category" in this setting (and I hardly need anything larger than locally small for what I am doing): \begin{equation} \forall A \subseteq \mathcal{C}_{Obj}. \forall B \subseteq \mathcal{C}_{Obj}. (A \in V_{\alpha} \wedge B \in V_{\alpha}) \longrightarrow \bigcup_{a \in A} \bigcup_{b \in B} \text{Hom}_{\mathcal{C}} (a, b) \in V_{\alpha} \end{equation} Of course, it is also assumed that $\mathcal{C}_{Obj} \subseteq V_{\alpha}$. This condition also implies that the Hom-sets are $\alpha$-small. However, this condition still has to be combined with some of the simpler tricks described in Set Theory for Category Theory[B] (e.g., to quote, "the correct definition of complete is 'having limits for all small functors'"), and I had to invent a few further tricks of my own to make the theory work. One important aspect of this condition (what I believe makes it work well) is that it provides closure with respect to taking the functor categories. That is, $\mathcal{C}^{\mathcal{J}}$ is $\alpha$-locally small provided that $\mathcal{C}$ is $\alpha$-locally small and $\mathcal{J}$ is $\alpha$-small ($\mathcal{J} \in V_\alpha$). Again, of course, this holds only in the augmented theory where $\mathcal{C}^{\mathcal{J}}$ is determined by the $\alpha$-small functors (see Set Theory for Category Theory[B]).
- [A] Feferman S, Kreisel G. Set-Theoretical Foundations of Category Theory. In: Barr M, Berthiaume P, Day BJ, Duskin J, Feferman S, Kelly GM, et al., editors. Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar III. Heidelberg: Springer; 1969. p. 201–47. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics).
- [B] Shulman MA. Set Theory for Category Theory. arXiv:08101279 [math] [Internet]. 2008; Available from: http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.1279.
- [C] Blass A. The interaction between category theory and set theory. In: Gray JW, editor. Mathematical Applications of Category Theory. American Mathematical Society; 1984. (Contemporary Mathematics; vol. 30).
- [D] Rao VK. On Doing Category Theory within Set Theoretic Foundations. In: Sica G, editor. What is Category Theory? Polimetrica s.a.s.; 2006.