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Jan 13 at 20:46 comment added Zuhair Al-Johar As I wrote in the above comment, your statement "so we must have $x \not \in TC(x)$" is unjustified. This is the error.
Jan 10, 2022 at 10:16 comment added Zuhair Al-Johar $\forall y \, (y \not \in^* y )$ is a theorem of this theory! So your set is the universe. Note that $`` x∈x→x∉TC(x)"$ is not a theorem of this theory, neither is $ z \not \in^* x \to z \not \in TC(x)$. You can indeed have $z \not \in^* x \land z \in TC(x)$ like for example the universe $V$, where we have $V \in V \land V \not \in^* V$
Jan 9, 2022 at 19:30 history answered Peter Gerdes CC BY-SA 4.0