Not really an answer, but a comment about the related question:
Can one reach every cluster in that way ?
It is rather easy to check (using sagemath or Keller's applet) that for the cyclic quiver in type $D_n$, not every cluster can be reached in that way. For example, only 13 among the 14 clusters in type $D_3$ are reached.
A conjecture for the number of reached clusters for this initial quiver in type $D_n$ can be found in this OEIS sequence.
Even in type $A_4$, not all clusters are reached if the initial cluster is not the equioriented Dynkin quiver.
Here is a small sage program that generates the set of reached clusters:
def recursive_comb(carquois):
sage: Q = ClusterQuiver(DiGraph({0:[1]}))
sage: len(list(recursive_comb(Q)))
n = carquois.n()
seed = ClusterSeed(carquois)
initial_cluster = seed.cluster()
def voisins(s):
c = s.cluster()
for i in range(n):
if c[i] in initial_cluster:
yield s.mutate(i, inplace=False)
return RecursivelyEnumeratedSet([seed], voisins, structure='graded')
Using the same program, one can see that some cluster variables are missing already for some choices of initial quiver in type $D_4$:
sage: Q1 = ClusterQuiver(DiGraph({'b':['c'],'c':['d','e']}))
sage: Q2 = ClusterQuiver(DiGraph({'c':['b','d','e']}))
sage: len(set(v for c in recursive_comb(Q1) for v in c.cluster()))
sage: len(set(v for c in recursive_comb(Q2) for v in c.cluster()))
Even in type $A$, some clusters can be out of reach:
sage: Q1 = ClusterQuiver(DiGraph({'b':['c','a'],'c':['d']}))
sage: len(list(recursive_comb(Q1)))
instead of 42, the full number of clusters.