Let us recall $\hat\Delta$ is as a map $\mathscr{U}(G)\to \mathscr{U}(G\times G)$, which is determined by its evaluation at some functional $\omega \in A_0' =\mathscr{U}(G)$. The image lies in $\mathscr{U}(G\times G)$. (It can be bigger than $A_0'\otimes A_0'$.) The functional $\hat \Delta(\omega)\in \mathscr{U}(G\times G)$ is determined by evaluation on elements of the shape $a\otimes b\in A_0\otimes A_0$. So $\hat\Delta$ is determined by the double evaluation $$ \hat\Delta(\omega)\ a\otimes b :=\omega(ab)\ . $$ Our $\omega$ of interest is $\rho^z$. So it is enough to show the above relation for two elements of the shape $a=g(U_\alpha)$, $b=h(U_\beta)$ with $g,h\in A_0'$: $$ \tag{$1$} \hat\Delta(\rho^z)\ g(U_\alpha) :=\omega(ab)\ . $$ Recall that we also have a map needed in the sequel (and also displayed vertically), $$ \mathscr U(G)\overset{\Phi_G}\longrightarrow \prod_{\alpha} B(H_\alpha) $$$$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \mathscr U(G) @. \omega\\ @V \Phi_G V V @VVV\\ \prod_{\alpha} B(H_\alpha) @. (\ (\operatorname{id}_{H_\alpha}\otimes\omega)(U_\alpha)\ )_\alpha \end{CD} $$ given by mapping $\omega\in \mathscr U(G)=A_0'$ to $(\ (\operatorname{id}_{H_\alpha}\otimes\omega)(U_\alpha)\ )_\alpha$.
TheThe same $\Phi$-mapping can be written also for $G\times G$, the corresponding irreducible representations are parametrized by tuples $(\alpha,\beta)$, and are of the shape $U_\alpha\odot U_\beta\in B(H_{(\alpha,\beta)})\otimes A\otimes A$$U_\alpha\odot U_\beta\in B(H_{(\alpha,\beta)})\otimes A_0\otimes A_0$, where $B(H_{(\alpha,\beta)}):=B(H_\alpha)\otimes B(H_\beta)$ it the algebraic tensor product of the two matrix spaces. Then(The composition with the product $A_0\otimes A_0\to A_0$ gives rise to the representation denoted by $U_\alpha\odot U_\beta$ in CQGRC.)
Then consider the diagram, which is for a general $\omega$ not commutative: $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \omega @>\hat\Delta_G>> \hat\Delta(\omega) \mathscr U(G) @>\hat\Delta_G>> \mathscr U(G\times G)\\ @V \Phi_G V V (??) @VV \Phi_{G\times G} V\\ \prod_\alpha B(H_\alpha) @>>\underline\Delta > \prod_{(\alpha,\beta)} B(H_\alpha) \otimes B(H_\beta) (w_\alpha)_{\alpha\in\Lambda} @>>\underline\Delta > (w_\alpha\otimes w_\beta)_{(\alpha,\beta)\in\Lambda\times\Lambda} \end{CD} $$$$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \omega @>\hat\Delta_G>> \hat\Delta(\omega)\\ \\ \mathscr U(G) @>\hat\Delta_G>> \mathscr U(G\times G)\\ @V \Phi_G V V (??) @VV \Phi_{G\times G} V\\ \prod_\alpha B(H_\alpha) @>>\underline\Delta > \prod_{(\alpha,\beta)} B(H_\alpha) \otimes B(H_\beta)\\ \\ (w_\alpha)_{\alpha\in\Lambda} @>>\underline\Delta > (w_\alpha\otimes w_\beta)_{(\alpha,\beta)\in\Lambda\times\Lambda} \end{CD} $$ ForHowever for the special value $\omega=\varrho$, which is a "group-like" element, $\hat\Delta(\varrho)=\varrho\otimes \varrho$ we have the commutativity $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \varrho @>\hat\Delta >> \hat\Delta(\varrho)\\ @V \Phi_G V V (??) @VV \Phi_{G\times G} V\\ \rho=(\rho_\alpha) @>>\underline\Delta > \rho\otimes \rho =(\rho_\alpha\otimes\rho_\beta)_{(\alpha,\beta)} \end{CD} $$$$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \varrho @>\hat\Delta >> \hat\Delta(\varrho)\\ @V \Phi_G V V @VV \Phi_{G\times G} V\\ \rho=(\rho_\alpha) @>>\underline\Delta > \rho\otimes \rho =(\rho_\alpha\otimes\rho_\beta)_{(\alpha,\beta)} \end{CD} $$ by using CQGRCIn fact, this group-like property of $\varrho$ is checked in the $\rho$-world, CQGRC, Theorem 1.4.8, $$ \rho_{U_\alpha\times U_\beta}=\rho_{U_\alpha}\otimes \rho_{U_\beta}\ . $$ Well, this(This is as stated an equality in the category of representations for $G$,. however theThe part from $A$ involved in what we need isbelow, when $U_\alpha\times U_\beta$ occurs, is evaluated to a factor.)
- $U_\alpha =\sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\in B(H_\alpha)\otimes A_0$, representation of $G$,
- $U_\beta =\sum m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}\in B(H_\beta)\otimes A_0$, representation of $G$, so that
- $U_{(\alpha,\beta)}=\sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}\in B(H_\alpha)\otimes B(H_\beta)\otimes A_0\otimes A_0$$U_\alpha\odot U_\beta= U_{(\alpha,\beta)}=\sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}\in B(H_\alpha)\otimes B(H_\beta)\otimes A_0\otimes A_0$
is the corresponding tensor product representation of $G\times G$. (Not for $G$, as inwhen the times notation aboveis used.)
$$ \begin{aligned} (\ \Phi_{G\times G}\ \hat\Delta(\varrho)\ )_{(\alpha,\beta)} &:= \big(\ \operatorname{id}_{B(H_{(\alpha,\beta)})}\otimes\hat\Delta(\varrho)\ \Big)(U_{(\alpha,\beta)}) \\ &= \big(\ \operatorname{id}_{B(H_{\alpha})}\otimes \operatorname{id}_{B(H_{\beta})}\otimes \hat\Delta(\varrho)\ \Big) \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl} \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes \hat\Delta(\varrho)(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes \hat\Delta(\varrho)(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes \underbrace{(\varrho\otimes\varrho)(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl})}_{\in\Bbb C} \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\cdot \varrho(u^\alpha_{ij}\cdot \varrho(u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\cdot \varrho(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes \sum m^\beta_{kl}\cdot \varrho(u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)\left(\sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\right) \otimes (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)\left(\sum m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}\right) \\ &= (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)(U_\alpha) \otimes (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)(U_\beta) \\ &=\rho_\alpha\otimes\rho_beta \\ &=\underline\Delta(\rho)_{(\alpha,\beta)} \\ &=\underline\Delta(\Phi(\varrho))_{(\alpha,\beta)} \ . \end{aligned} $$ $$ \begin{aligned} (\ \Phi_{G\times G}\ \hat\Delta(\varrho)\ )_{(\alpha,\beta)} &:= \big(\ \operatorname{id}_{B(H_{(\alpha,\beta)})}\otimes\hat\Delta(\varrho)\ \Big)(U_{(\alpha,\beta)}) \\ &= \big(\ \operatorname{id}_{B(H_{\alpha})}\otimes \operatorname{id}_{B(H_{\beta})}\otimes \hat\Delta(\varrho)\ \Big) \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl} \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes \hat\Delta(\varrho)(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes \hat\Delta(\varrho)(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\otimes \underbrace{(\varrho\otimes\varrho)(u^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\beta_{kl})}_{\in\Bbb C} \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes m^\beta_{kl}\cdot \varrho(u^\alpha_{ij})\cdot \varrho(u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= \sum m^\alpha_{ij}\cdot \varrho(u^\alpha_{ij})\otimes \sum m^\beta_{kl}\cdot \varrho(u^\beta_{kl}) \\ &= (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)\left(\sum m^\alpha_{ij}\otimes u^\alpha_{ij}\right) \otimes (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)\left(\sum m^\beta_{kl}\otimes u^\beta_{kl}\right) \\ &= (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)(U_\alpha) \otimes (\operatorname{id}\otimes\varrho)(U_\beta) \\ &=\rho_\alpha\otimes\rho_\beta \\ &=\underline\Delta(\rho)_{(\alpha,\beta)} \\ &=(\ \underline\Delta(\Phi(\varrho)\ )_{(\alpha,\beta)} \ .\qquad\text{ So:} \\[2mm] \Phi_{G\times G}\; \hat\Delta(\varrho) &=\underline\Delta\; \Phi(\varrho)\ . \end{aligned} $$ As a final workword, a way of giving a sense to the boxed identity from the question, $$ \hat\Delta(\varrho^z) =\varrho^z\otimes\varrho^z $$$$ \hat\Delta(\varrho^z) =\varrho^z\otimes\varrho^z\ , $$ which is related to the upper horizontal arrow in the above diagrams, is by moving it downwards via the $\Phi$ arrows to the lower horizontal arrow, which is a map $\underline\Delta$ clearly compatible with the functional calculus, $$ \underline\Delta(\rho^z)_{(\alpha,\beta)} = \rho_\alpha^z\otimes\rho_\beta^z = (\rho_\alpha\otimes\rho_\beta)^z = (\ \underline\Delta(\rho)\ )^z \ . $$ The definition of $\varrho^z$ is by taking $\rho^z$ from the L.-most.H.S. and pushing it via $\Phi^{-1}$ into $\mathscr U(G)$. It may be then useful in the vertical $G\times G$-arrow to write $\varrho^z\otimes\varrho^z$ as a product of $\varrho^z\otimes\epsilon$ and $\epsilon\otimes\varrho^z$, then go down via $\Phi$ to get by definition of $\varrho$ the commuting operators $\rho^z\otimes 1$ and $1\otimes \rho^z$, and here we have $$ (\rho\otimes\rho)^z = (\ (\rho\otimes 1)\;(1\otimes\rho)\ )^z = (\rho\otimes 1)^z\;(1\otimes\rho)^z\ . $$