My undergraduate university (Saint Louis University) hosted talks every semester usually on Fridays where a speaker from another university or sometimes one from the department (whether that was a professor in the department or a grad student talking about their research or an interesting problem they came across) would give a lecture for an hour. Starting at 3:00 was tea and cookies and then the talk would begin 30 to 45 minutes later. Afterwards the speaker and some professors from the department would all go out for dinner.
I was the department bus boy so I'd help set up and facilitate these talks and even sometimes join them for dinner too. They were a lot of fun! It was a great way to learn about lots of different fields and meet people from different backgrounds. This process really helped inform my own graduate school application process. It was very valuable to me to hear all these very intelligent and kind people talk about their research, how they got into it, grad school life, etc. I highly recommend any student participate in such an endeavor if their department has something like this. If not, perhaps you could set one up!