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Donu Arapura
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I'm converting my comment to an answer. Let $\pi:X\to Y$ be a Galois étale cover, with Galois group $G$. One has a Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence $$E_2 = H^p(G, H^q(X_{et},\mathbb{G}_m))\Rightarrow H^{p+q}(Y_{et}, \mathbb{G}_m)$$ (The reference is given in "A User"'s comment.) The associated exact sequence of low degree terms reads $$0\to H^1(G, H^0(X, \mathbb{G}_m))\to Pic(Y)\to Pic(X)^G \to H^2(G,H^0(X, \mathbb{G}_m))\to Br(Y)$$ where I'm using $Br$, a bit inaccurately, for the 2nd étale cohomology with coefficients in $\mathbb{G}_m$. In fact, the image should lie in $Gr^2Br(Y)$ wrt the filtration on the abuttment. And this seen to be $\ker[\ker Br(Y)\to Br(X)]\to H^1(G,Pic(X))$.

In the affine case, this is surely the same as the sequence of Chase et. al. you gave, but it would need to be checked.

Post Made Community Wiki by Donu Arapura