Open Problem: What is the maximal maximal output of an 11-line Minsky program? (And could you prove that the output of that program is maximal among all 11-line Minsky programs).
My own result is: maximal output = 28.
(If you can obtain $\ >20\ $ then it's already pretty good.)
The simplest Marvin Minsky programs look like this (explicit line
labels added for the sake of the future readability):
$$ 01\!:\quad a+\!+ $$
$$ 02\!:\quad a+\!+ $$
$$ 03\!:\quad a+\!+ $$
That's the whole program. All variables of Minsky programs are initialized to 0. Thus the given program has maximal output a $=3$. And an n-line simple program consisting only of a++ instructions has output $\,\ S(n)=n$.
The Minsky programs' universe consists of the non-negative integers. The following program illustrates all three types of Minsky instructions (and there are no other types):
$$ 01\!:\quad b+\!+ $$
$$ 02\!:\quad b+\!+ $$
$$ 03\!:\quad b+\!+ $$
$$ 04\!:\quad b-\!- $$
$$ 05\!:\quad a+\!+ $$
$$ 06\!:\quad a+\!+ $$
$$ 07\!:\quad a+\!+ $$
$$ \quad\ \ 08\!:\quad \text{if}\,(a)\quad 04 $$$$ \quad\ \ 08\!:\quad \text{if}\,(b)\quad 04 $$
$$ x-\!-\quad \Leftarrow:\Rightarrow
\quad x = max(0\ \ x\!\!-\!\!1) $$
When the current value of a variable is positive then the if-instruction redirects the execution to the line labeled as at the end of this if instruction, here to label 04. Thus, this program performs multiplication $3\cdot3,\ $ and it ends up with maximal output $\ a=9.\ $ The highest output that this times $\times\ $ multiplication method gets is
$$ T(n)\ := \left\lfloor\frac {n-2}2\right\rfloor\cdot
\left\lceil\frac {n-2}2\right\rceil $$
where $\ n\ $ is the number of the lines of the program. That's why getting more than 20 from 11 lines is already non-obvious to the public out there (if there were any public).
The still yet missing explanations:
A valid program must end in a finite time. It ends by exiting through its end line.
After the execution of the program is done, the maximal value of the variables after the program is finished is the maximal value of the program.
In the above multiplication example, the whole output or the final output state is a=9 and b=0. Thus, the maximal output is 9.
I'll be willing to answer any questions (at my best).
Acknowledgment I'd like to thank Greg Kuperberg for admitting the topic of Minsky programming language (and the whole topic) at sci.math.research, when he was the moderator of that group in the year 1993.