$\newcommand{\w}{\omega}\newcommand{\A}{\mathcal A}\newcommand{\F}{\mathcal F}\newcommand{\I}{\mathcal I}\newcommand{\J}{\mathcal J}\newcommand{\M}{\mathcal M}\newcommand{\N}{\mathcal N}\newcommand{\x}{\mathfrak x}\newcommand{\cov}{\mathrm{cov}}\newcommand{\lac}{\mathrm{lac}}\newcommand{\non}{\mathrm{non}}
\newcommand{\IT}{\mathbb T}$Taras Banakh and I proceed a long quest answering a question of ougao at Mathematics.SE.
Recall that a circle $\mathbb T=\{z\in\mathbb C:|z|=1\}$, endowed with the operation of multiplication of complex numbers and the topology inherited from $\mathbb C$ is a topological group. We consider a cardinal $\cov(\A(\IT))$ which is the smallest size of a family $\mathcal U$ of strictly increasing sequences $(u_n)_{n\in\omega}$ of natural numbers such that for each $z\in\IT$ there exists $(u_n)_{n\in\omega}\in\mathcal U$ such that a sequence $(z^{u_n})_{n\in\omega}$ converges to $1$.
It would be ideally for us to find a known small cardinal equal to $\cov(\A(\IT))$. While $\cov(\A(\IT))$ remains unknown, we are interested in bounds for it by known small cardinals.
Our try.
Upper bounds.
Let $[\w]^\w$ denote the family of all infinite subsets of $\w$. A subfamily $\mathcal
R\subseteq[\w]^\w$ is called reaping if for any set $X\in[\w]^\w$ there is $R\in\mathcal R$
such that one of sets $R\cap X$ and $R\setminus X$ is finite. The reaping number $\mathfrak
r$ is the cardinality of the smallest reaping family. By Proposition 9.9 from [1],
$\mathfrak r$ is the minimum cardinality of any ultrafilter pseudobase. Recall that a
pseudobase for a filter $\F$ on $\omega$ is a family $\mathcal P$ of infinite subsets of
$\omega$ such that every set in $\F$ has a subset in $\mathcal P$.
A family $\mathcal R$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ is called $\sigma$-reaping,
if for any countable family $\mathcal X$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ there
is $R\in\mathcal R$ such that for any $X\in \mathcal X$ one of sets $R\cap X$ and $R\setminus X$
is finite. The $\sigma$-reaping number $\mathfrak r_\sigma$ is the cardinality
of the smallest $\sigma$-reaping family. Clearly, $\mathfrak r\le\mathfrak r_\sigma$
and there is an old open problem whether $\mathfrak r<\mathfrak r_\sigma$ is consistent,
see [4], [3], and [1, 3.6].
By \cite[3], $\mathfrak r_\sigma\le\mathfrak u_p$,
where $\mathfrak u_p$ is the smallest base of a $P$-point if a $P$-point exists and $\mathfrak u_p=\mathfrak c$ if no $P$-point exists. It is known that $\mathfrak u_p=\mathfrak u$ if $\mathfrak u<\mathfrak d$. Let us recall that $\mathfrak u$ is the smallest cardinality of a base of a free ultrafilter on $\omega$.
By Theorem 3.7 from [1], $\mathfrak r_\sigma$ is equal to the smallest cardinality of a
family $\mathcal R\subseteq[\w]^\w$ such that for any bounded sequence of real numbers
$(x_n)_{n\in\w}$ there exists $R\in\mathcal R$ such that the subsequence $(x_n)_{n\in R}$ converges
in the real line. It easily follows that $\cov(\A(\IT))\le\mathfrak r_\sigma.$
Problem. Is $\cov(\A(\IT))\le\mathfrak r$?
Lower bounds.
For any family $\I$ of sets with $\bigcup\I\notin\I$ let $\cov(\I)=\min\{|\J|:\J\subseteq\I\;\wedge\;\bigcup\J=\bigcup\I\}$ and $\non(\I)=\min\{|A|:A\subseteq\bigcup\I\;\wedge\;A\notin\I\}$. Let $\M$ and $\N$ be the ideals of meager and Lebesgue null subsets of the real line, respectively.
It is easy to show that $\cov(\A(\IT))\ge\max\{\cov(\M),\cov(\N),\x\}$, where $\x$ is an auxiliary cardinal introduced as follows. An infinite set $R\subseteq\omega$ of natural numbers is called remote if there exists $z\in\IT$ such that $\inf_{n\in R}|z^n-1|>0$. Let $\x$ be the smallest cardinality of a family $\F$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ such that for any remote set $R$ there exists $F\in\F$ such that $F\cap R$ is finite. So it would be good for us to find a known small cardinal equal to $\x$. While $\x$ remains unknown, we are interested in bounds (especially lower) for it by known small cardinals.
Our try for $\x$.
We can prove that $\cov(\M)\le \x$ and are interested whether this bound can be improved and whether $\cov(\N)\le \x$.
Lyubomyr Zdomskyy suggested that it is consistent that $\mathfrak d<\x$, where $\mathfrak d$ is the cofinality of $\w^\w$ endowed with the natural partial order: $(x_n)_{n\in\w}\le (y_n)_{n\in\w}$ iff
$x_n\le y_n$ for all $i$.
We introduced an auxiliary cardinal $\x_{\lac}$, which is the smallest cardinality of a family $\F$ of infinite subsets of $\w$ such that for any lacunary set $L$ there exists $F\in\F$ such that $F\cap L$ is finite. Recall that an infinite set $L$ of natural numbers is called lacunary, if $\inf\{b/a:a,b\in L,\;a<b\}>1$. We have $\x_\lac\le\x$, because Pollington in [2] proved that any lacunary set is remote, as John Griesmer informed us. But it turned out that $\x_\lac$ is rather small. Namely, Will Brian showed that $\x_\lac\le\non(\N)$ and the strict inequality here is consistent.
[1] A. Blass, Combinatorial Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum, in: M. Foreman, A. Kanamori (eds.), Handbook of Set Theory, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010, 395–489.
[2] Andrew D. Pollington, On the density of sequences $\{n_k\xi\}$, Ill. J. Math. 23* (1979) 511–515, ZBL0401.10059.
[3] J. Vaughan, Small uncountable cardinals and topology, Open problems in topology (J. van Mill and G. Reed, eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990, 195–218.
[4] P. Vojtáš, Cardinalities of noncentered systems of subsets of $\omega$, Discrete Mathematics 108 (1992) 125–129.