One more observation: The strict inequality $\mathfrak{x}_{lac} < \mathrm{non}(\mathcal N)$ is also consistent, so this upper bound cannot be improved to an equality. To see this, begin with a model of Martin's Axiom $+ \, \neg \mathsf{CH}$, and then do a legnth-$\omega_1$, finite support iteration of the eventually different reals forcing. It is not difficult to see that this forcing will make $\mathfrak{x}_{lac} = \aleph_1$ in the extension. But the iteration is $\sigma$-centered, and forcing with a $\sigma$-centered poset over a model of $\mathsf{MA}$ does not change the value of $mathrm{non}(\mathcal N)$$\mathrm{non}(\mathcal N)$. Thus we get $\mathfrak{x}_{lac} < \mathrm{non}(\mathcal N)$ in the extension.