I'm teaching Calc 1 this semester, and I've stumbled onto something that I like very much.
First of all, I start (always) by having my students draw bunches of tangent lines to graphs, compute slopes and draw the "slope graphs" (they also do "area graphs", but that's not relevant to this answer). They build up a bit of intuition about slope and slope graphs.
Then (after a few days of this) I ask them to give me unambiguous instructions about how to draw a tangent line. They find, of course, that they are stumped.
In the past, I went from this to saying "we can't get a tangent line, but maybe we can get an approximately tangent line" and develop the limit formula.
This semester, I said, "we have an intuitive notion of tangency; suppose someone offered a definition of tangency -- what properties would it satisfy?" We had a discussion with the following result: tangency at point $x = a$ should satisfy:
- tangency (of one function with another) should be an equivalence relation
- if two linear functions are tangent at $x= a$, they are equal.
- a quadratic has a horizontal tangent line at its vertex.
- if $f$ and $g$ are tangent at $x = a$, then $f(a) = g(a)$.
- if $f_1$ is tangent to $f_2$ at $x = a$ and $g_1$ is tangent to $g_2$ at $x = a$ then $f_1 + g_1$ is tangent to $f_2 + g_2$ at $x = a$ and similarly for the products.
- the evident rule for composition.
Using these rules, we showed that if $f$ has a tangent line at $x = a$, it has only one. So we can define $f'(a)$ to be the slope of the tangent line at $x = a$, if it exists!
The axioms are enough to prove the product rule, the sum rule and the chain rule. So we get derivatives of all polynomials, etc., assuming only that tangency can be defined.
Then (limits having presented themselves in the computation of area) I defined $f$ to be tangent to $g$ if $\lim_{x\to a} {f(x) - g(x) \over x-a} = 0$. We derive the limit formula for the derivative, and check the axioms.
EDIT: Here's some more detail, in case you're wondering about implementing this yourself. I had the initial discussion about tangency in class, writing on the board. A day or so later, I handed out group projects in which the axioms were clearly stated and numbered, and the basic properties (as outlined above) given as problems.
The students' initial impulse is to argue from common sense, but I insisted on argument directly from the axioms. There was one day that was kind of uncomfortable, because that is very unfamiliar thinking. I had them work in class several days, and eventually they really took to it.