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Dimension of Circuit Spacecircuit space of a Matroidmatroid

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Dimension of Circuit Space of a Matroid

If $G$ is a graph with edge set $E$, let $W$ be the $\mathbb{Z}/2$-vector space generated by the elements of $E$. If $A = \{a_1, \dots, a_n\} \subset E$, let $\bar{A} = a_1 + \dots + a_n \in V$; then $\bar{A}_1 + \bar{A}_2 = \overline{A_1 \Delta A_2}$, where $\Delta$ indicates symmetric difference.

I'll define the cycle space of $G$ to be the subspace of $W$ generated by simple cycles of $G$. More precisely, the cycle space of $G$ is the subspace of $W$ generated by the set $\{\bar{C} \mid C \text{ is a simple cycle of } G\}$. We could also view the cycle space as the first simplicial homology group of $G$ over $\mathbb{Z}/2$. It is not difficult to show that the dimension of the cycle space of $G$ is the corank of the cycle matroid of $G$.

Given any matroid $M$ with ground set $E$, we could define the circuit space of $M$ in a completely analogous way, just using the word "circuit" instead of "simple cycle." My question is: is it always true that the dimension of the circuit space of $M$ is the corank of $M$? If not, for what types of matroids is this true? Finally, can anyone recommend good resources that deal with this sort of thing?
