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Timeline for Duals of Abelian Categories

Current License: CC BY-SA 2.5

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Sep 23, 2010 at 16:17 comment added Theo Johnson-Freyd This just shows how little I understand compact abelian groups. One of the main things that prevents $(R\text{-mod})^\text{op}$ from being a category of representations is that the canonical map $\coprod^\infty M \to \prod^\infty M$ in $(R\text{-mod})^\text{op}$ is an epi that is not a mono. So if I take the circle, say, and look at its countable, say, coproduct in the category of compact abelian groups --- I don't actually know what I get! But you're telling me that it <strike>surjects</strike>epimorphs onto the countable product?
Sep 23, 2010 at 9:29 history answered Angelo CC BY-SA 2.5