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Alexandre Eremenko
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Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If the potential $p$ is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem for ODE. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systèmes linéaires aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre à deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sc. 197 (1933), p. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systèmes linéaires aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre à deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sc. 197 (1933), p. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If the potential $p$ is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem for ODE. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systèmes linéaires aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre à deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sc. 197 (1933), p. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systemes liniairessystèmes linéaires aux derivlesdérivées partielles du premier ordre aà deux variables variables, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris volSc. 197 (1933) pp, p. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systemes liniaires aux derivles partielles du premier ordre a deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris vol. 197 (1933) pp. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systèmes linéaires aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre à deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sc. 197 (1933), p. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

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Alexandre Eremenko
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Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systemes liniaires aux derivles partielles du premier ordre a deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris vol. 197 (1933) pp. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systemes liniaires aux derivles partielles du premier ordre a deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris vol. 197 (1933) pp. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

Trapping means that an eigenfunction has compact support. For locally bounded potential this is impossible, because of uniqueness theorem. Suppose for simplicity that our system is 1-dimensional. Then our wave function is a solution of the 1-dimensional stationary Schrodinger equation $$y''=p(x)y.$$ If potential is bounded, then the RHS satisfies Lipschitz condition, as a function of $y$, and we have uniqueness of solutions by the classical uniqueness theorem. (If a solution is zero on an open set then it coincides everywhere with the zero solution).

For higher dimension, the corresponding property is called the unique continuation property, see T. Carleman, Sur les systemes liniaires aux derivles partielles du premier ordre a deux variables, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris vol. 197 (1933) pp. 471-474, and

C. Muller, On the behavior of the solutions of the differential equation $\Delta u = F(x, u)$ in the neighborhood of a point, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 7 (1954) pp. 505-551.

Ph. Hartman, A. Wintner, On the local behavior of solutions of non-parabolic partial differential equations. III. Approximations by spherical harmonics. Amer. J. Math. 77 (1955), 453–474.

These results were very much generalized, look under ``unique continuation property''.

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Alexandre Eremenko
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Alexandre Eremenko
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Source Link
Alexandre Eremenko
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