Let $M$ be a locally compact (Hausdorff) space, and $g:M\to M$ an isomorphism (think of an action of a finite cyclic group). By some generalities one can show that the "obvious" map $(M^g)^+\to(M^+)^g$ is continuous. Here $M^+$ is the one-point-compactification, and $M^g$ are the fixed points with the subspace topology. (One extends $g$ to a pointed map on $M^+$, that is $g(+)=+$).
Edit: if $M$ happens to be compact, $M^+=M\coprod +$ is the disjoint union with a point.
Is it true that this is an isomorphism? A (weak and/or equivariant) homotopy equivalence? Is an appropriatly modified statement true in a "convenient" category of topological spaces?