Consider the following process:
- Start with a set $S = \mathbb R^n$. Repeat $L$ times: choose a random orthonormal basis $u_1, \ldots, u_n$, and consider the cone $C = \{ \sum \alpha_i u_i : \alpha_i \in \mathbb R_{\ge 0} \}$. Project $S$ to this cone.
What is the minimum dot product between two unit vectors in $S$, after $L$ iterations? Can it be bounded away from zero, say with high probability in $n$?
The regime of interest is ideally $L = O(1)$, but $L = o(n)$ could also work.
It may be that the following stepping stone is more tractable:
- Start with a set $S = \mathbb R^n$. Repeat $nL$ times: choose a random unit vector $u$, and consider the halfspace $H = \{ x \in \mathbb R^n : u^Tx \ge 0 \}$. Project $S$ to this halfspace.